Q. Not many years ago, river linking was a concept but it is becoming reality in the country. Discuss the advantages of river linking and its possible impact on the environment [150 Word10 Marks]



  • Introduction: Brief about River linking.
  • Body: Discuss about the advantages of river linking and its possible impact on the environment.
  • Conclusion: Conclude your answer sustainable Approach to river linking.


The concept of river linking was once a distant dream, but it has now become a reality in India. River linking is a significant development that aims to address the water scarcity issues in various regions. While it offers several benefits, it is important to consider its potential impact on the environment.


  • Improved Irrigation: River linking can provide a reliable source of water for irrigation purposes in drought-prone areas. It can also reduce the dependency on monsoon rains. E.g: The Ken-Betwa river linking project in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh is expected to provide irrigation facilities to over 6 lakh hectares of land, benefiting farmers in the region.
  • Flood Control: River linking can help in controlling floods by diverting the excess water from flood-prone areas to other parts of the country that need it. E.g: The Damanganga-Pinjal river linking project in Maharashtra is expected to reduce flooding in Mumbai and Thane districts by diverting excess water from the Damanganga River to the Pinjal River.
  • Hydropower Generation: River linking can also lead to increased hydropower generation, which can help in meeting the country’s growing energy demands. E.g: The Ken-Betwa river linking project is expected to generate over 1000 MW of hydropower.

Environmental Impact of River Linking:

  • Disruption of Ecosystem: River linking can lead to the disruption of ecosystems, including wetlands and river systems, which can impact the biodiversity of the region. g: The interlinking of the Ken and Betwa rivers can lead to the submergence of the Panna Tiger Reserve, impacting the wildlife and biodiversity of the area.
  • Soil Erosion: The construction of dams and canals for river linking can lead to soil erosion, which can impact the agricultural productivity of the region. g: The construction of canals for the Godavari-Krishna river linking project in Andhra Pradesh can lead to soil erosion, impacting the agricultural productivity of the region.


River linking is a complex issue that requires careful consideration of its advantages and potential impacts on the environment. While it offers benefits like reducing water scarcity and enhancing irrigation, it can also have significant ecological consequences such as habitat destruction and alteration of aquatic ecosystems. The implementation of river linking should be done in a manner that takes into account both the benefits and environmental impacts, to achieve a sustainable outcome.

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