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The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) conducted in 2019-21 shows that a considerable proportion of young children in India face food insecurity, which raises concerns about their development and future well-being. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 of zero hunger, India must take strategic initiatives to eliminate food insecurity and ensure affordable access to nutritious food for all.
The National Food Security Act, 2013 aims to provide subsidized food grains to approximately two-third of the country’s population. The enactment of this landmark legislation, brought a paradigm shift in approach to food security, from welfare to rights-based approach.
Role of NFSA in eliminating hunger and malnutrition:
Various apprehensions and concerns raised in WTO against the Food security Act:
It is to be understood that the rules of WTO were not geared to help agrarian economies, farmers and consumers. If a consensus emerges against allegedly ‘trade-distorting’ subsidies at the WTO, then India will be forced to alter the provisions of the National Food Security Act. The food bill has revolutionized the access to food grains; however, the need is to move towards nutritional security and not just food security. Further the structural bottlenecks in the implementation food bill should be corrected by leverage of technology.
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