Q. Though not very useful from the point of view of a connected political history of South India, the Sangam literature portrays the social and economic conditions of its time with remarkable vividness. Comment. (200 words, 10 marks)




  • Introduce your answer by giving a brief account on Sangam Literature.


  • Talk about why Sangam literature doesn’t help much to dig into the political history of India.
  • And how it helps in understanding the social and economic condition of South India.


  •  Write a relevant conclusion.


The earliest available Tamil literature was given the name “Sangam Literature”. It literally means association, here it means an association of Tamil poets that flourished in Ancient Southern India. Tamil legends have talked about three Sangams- Madurai, Kapadapuram and Thenmadurai.


Sangam literature doesn’t help in Political history due to the following reasons:

  • As poets were patronized by the ruling elites, there are exaggerations about the victories and territorial influences of the Kings. Stories like attempts to link the Mahabharata war and pandavas are nothing but an exaggeration.
  • More focus was given to Hero-Worship rather than how they shaped relations with other states.
  • Some of the names, titles are imaginary.
  • There are no archaeological evidences to corroborate certain settlements like Kaveripattanam in Sangam poems.
  • Most of the work is romantic in nature.
  • A lot of work is still not translated.

The Sangam literature helps in understanding the SOCIAL conditions of South India:

  • Sangam poets have mentioned four varnas: Arashar (King/nobility), Brahmanas (priests), Viashiyar (traders), Velala (farmer).
  • Unlike North India, South India did not have a stringent for fold varna system.
  • Priests (Brahmanas) performed yagna before wars.
  • Sangam poets have written that women were allowed to choose their partners. Love marriages were also common. Though, the life of a widow was miserable and Sati was practiced.
  • Society was divided on the basis of clans known as “Kuti”. Inter-dining and social interaction among Kuti groups was permitted.
  • As people wore amulets to ward off evil and also to bring rain and luck.
  • The burial practices varied from burial in urns to cremation rituals.

The Sangam literature helps in understanding the ECONOMIC conditions of South India:

  • There were five economic zones known as tinai, (hills, drylands, jungle, plains and coast) each of them supporting a different economic activity.
  • The kings received income from trade, tributes and plunder but a regular taxation system was not present.
  • The main occupational activities were Agriculture, Gathering, Fishing, Hunting and pastoralism. Cattle raids have been frequently mentioned in the poems.
  • Items that treaders dealt in were corn, salt, textile and gold.
  • Both inland and external trades were practiced, as witnessed in the poems. Silk, Cotton, ivory, pepper and pearls formed a part of major exports.
  • Women were actively involved in spinning, weaving, basket making, planting, flower selling etc.


The works of the first two Sangams except Tolkappiyam (2nd Sangam work) have been lost. Only the work of the third Sangam survives. And, from the aforementioned points, it is evident that the Sangam literature portrays the social and economic conditions of its time with remarkable vividness.

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