Q. What are the consequences of illegal mining? Discuss the Ministry of Environment and Forest’s concept of GO AND NO -GO zones for the coal mining sector. [200 Marks,10 Marks]




  • Start your answer with impacts of illegal mining in India.


  • Discuss the Consequences of illegal mining with examples.
  • Sustainable approach for coal mining by GO and No – GO Zones


  • Conclude your answer summary of the answer.


Illegal mining is the extraction of minerals and resources from areas without proper authorization, consent, or permits. It is a grave issue that has several negative consequences for both the environment and society. In India, illegal mining is a significant problem, and it has led to the degradation of forests, land, and water resources, as well as the displacement of indigenous communities.


Consequences of illegal mining:

  • Environmental degradation: Illegal mining activities cause significant damage to the environment by polluting water, air, and soil. It leads to deforestation, soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity, which has a severe impact on the ecosystem. g Coal mining in Jharkhand and limestone mining in Meghalaya.
  • Health hazards: Illegal mining can expose workers to hazardous substances such as mercury and lead, which can lead to severe health problems. It can also lead to respiratory problems due to dust pollution. E.g Sonbhadra in Uttar Pradesh, workers are exposed to hazardous substances like mercury and lead.
  • Socio-economic impact: Illegal mining activities can cause the displacement of communities from their homes and lands. It can also lead to the loss of livelihoods, as well as the degradation of infrastructure and amenities.g Maharashtra and Karnataka.

Issue of illegal mining, the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) introduced the concept of GO and NO-GO zones for the coal mining sector. These zones are classified based on the ecological sensitivity of the area and the level of industrial development.

    • GO Zones: These are the areas where coal mining can be carried out, subject to strict environmental regulations and guidelines. The GO zones are further classified into two categories. Category A zones are the most ecologically sensitive, and mining activities are only permitted under exceptional circumstances. Category B zones are less ecologically sensitive, and mining activities can be carried out with proper precautions and regulations.
    • NO-GO Zones: These are the areas where coal mining is not permitted due to their high ecological sensitivity. These areas include wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, and other protected areas.
    • The concept of GO and NO-GO zones has been implemented to ensure that coal mining activities are carried out in an environmentally sustainable manner. It helps in protecting the sensitive ecological areas from the adverse effects of mining activities and ensures the conservation of biodiversity.


The Ministry of Environment and Forest’s concept of GO AND NO-GO zones for the coal mining sector is a crucial step in curbing the harmful effects of illegal mining. It aims to identify areas that are suitable for mining and areas that should be protected for their ecological and social significance. By implementing these guidelines, the government can ensure sustainable mining practices that protect the environment, preserve natural resources, and safeguard the rights of local communities.

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