Q. What are the impediments in disposing of the huge quantities of discarded solid wastes which are continuously being generated? How do we remove safely the toxic wastes that have been accumulating in our habitable environment?[150 Ward,10 Marks]




  • Start your answer with the Global Water Crisis.


  • Discuss Impediments in Disposing of Discarded Solid Wastes.
  • Removing Toxic Wastes Safely from the Environment.


  • Conclude your answer with implementing comprehensive strategies for safe and sustainable waste management.


Every year, an estimated 11.2 billion tonnes of solid waste is collected worldwide and decay of the organic proportion of solid waste is contributing about 5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Every year, an estimated 11.2 billion tons of solid waste are collected worldwide. The continuous generation of waste necessitates effective solutions for its safe removal and the elimination of toxic substances that have accumulated in our environment.


  • Impediments in Disposing of Discarded Solid Wastes:
    • Lack of Awareness and Education: One major impediment is the lack of awareness and education among the general public regarding proper waste management practices. People are unaware of the detrimental effects of improper waste disposal and the importance of recycling and reusing.
    • Inadequate Infrastructure: Insufficient waste management infrastructure is a critical barrier. Lack of appropriate facilities for waste segregation, collection, transportation, and treatment hinders the efficient disposal of solid waste. There is a scarcity of landfill sites, waste treatment plants, and recycling facilities.
    • Financial Constraints: Solid waste management requires substantial financial resources. Many municipalities and developing countries face financial constraints that limit their ability to invest in waste management infrastructure. Insufficient funding leads to inadequate waste collection and disposal services.
    • Limited Institutional Capacity: The lack of institutional capacity to implement and enforce waste management regulations is another significant impediment. Weak governance, ineffective policies, and a lack of coordination among different government agencies and stakeholders hinder the efficient management of solid waste.
  • Removing Toxic Wastes Safely from the Environment:
    • Identification and Assessment: The first step is to identify areas or sites contaminated with toxic wastes. Comprehensive assessments should be conducted to determine the nature and extent of the contamination, including the identification of hazardous substances present.
    • Risk Analysis and Management: Once the assessment is complete, a risk analysis should be performed to evaluate the potential risks posed by the toxic wastes. This analysis helps in prioritizing areas for cleanup and determining appropriate remediation techniques.
    • Cleanup and Remediation: Cleanup and remediation activities involve the physical removal, treatment, or containment of toxic wastes. Include excavation, soil washing, bioremediation, or chemical treatment methods. Specialized equipment and trained personnel should be employed to ensure the safe handling and disposal of toxic materials.
    • Monitoring and Follow-up: After cleanup, continuous monitoring of the site should be conducted to verify the effectiveness of the remediation measures. This helps ensure that the environment is safe and free from residual contamination.
    • Public Awareness and Participation: Public awareness and involvement are crucial in addressing toxic waste issues. Communities should be educated about the risks associated with toxic waste exposure, and their input should be sought in decision-making processes.


To address the impediments in waste disposal, comprehensive strategies should be adopted, including waste reduction, recycling, and advanced treatment technologies. Proper handling and disposal methods must be implemented to ensure the safe removal of toxic waste from our habitable environment.

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