Rajya Sabha Panel of Vice-Chairpersons: Current Members, Nomination and Tenure

PWOnlyIAS February 01, 2024 06:42 7662 0

The Rules of Rajya Sabha empower the Chairman to appoint a panel of vice-chairpersons from the members, any of whom can preside over the House in the absence of the Chairman or Deputy Chairman.

Rajya Sabha Panel of Vice-Chairpersons: Current Members, Nomination and Tenure


Recently, Rajya Sabha Chairman reconstituted an 8-member panel of vice-chairpersons with 50 percent women Members of Parliament.

List of Rajya Sabha Panel of Vice-Chairpersons 

Member Political Party
Shrimati Ramilaben Becharbhai Bara Bharatiya Janata Party
Shrimati Seema Dwivedi Bharatiya Janata Party
Dr. Amee Yajnik INC
Shrimati Mausam Noor Trinamool Congress
Shri Kanakamedala Ravindra Kumar Telugu Desam Party
Shri Prabhakar Reddy Vemireddy YSRCP
Prof. Manoj Kumar Jha Rashtriya Janata Dal
Lt. Gen. (Dr.) D. P. Vats (Retd.) Bharatiya Janata Party

About Panel of Vice-Chairpersons in Rajya Sabha

The Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of the Indian Parliament, plays a crucial role in the legislative process. While the Chairman presides over its sessions, a panel of Vice-Chairpersons provides invaluable support. 

Panel of Vice-Chairpersons: Origins and Evolution

  • Article 118(1) of the Constitution: It grants each House of Parliament the authority to establish rules governing its proceedings and business conduct. 
  • Rajya Sabha Rules: Rajya Sabha implemented rules for managing its procedures and business conduct in 1964. 
    • As per these rules, the Chairman appoints a group of vice-chairpersons from among the members, and they serve until a new panel of vice-chairpersons is appointed.

Nomination and Tenure of  Members of Panel of Vice-Chairpersons

  • Members of the Panel are nominated by the Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha from among its members.
  • The Chairperson can nominate a panel of up to six vice-chairpersons, and one of them may preside over the house in the absence of the Chairman or Deputy Chairman.
  • Their tenure continues until a new panel is nominated.
  • Limitation on Residing over House: Members of the panel of vice chairpersons cannot preside over the House, when the office of the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman is vacant.
    • During such time, the Chairman’s duties are to be performed by such members of the House as the president may appoint for the purpose.

Eligibility and Removal of  Members of Panel of Vice-Chairpersons

  • The rules do not explicitly state eligibility criteria, but it is expected that members possess a good understanding of parliamentary procedures.
  • Removal procedures are not explicitly mentioned but maintaining decorum and not hindering the house’s functioning is expected.

Panel of Vice-Chairpersons: Significance 

  • Assisting the Chairman: Vice-Chairpersons are eligible to preside over the house in the absence of the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman. Their role is pivotal in ensuring the smooth conduct of proceedings.
  • Passing Bills: One of the key functions of the Panel is to assist in passing bills. Their understanding of parliamentary procedures is crucial for the effective functioning of the government.
  • Ensuring Effective Governance: The Vice-Chairpersons contribute to the effective functioning of the government by assisting in maintaining order and facilitating debates.


The Panel of Vice-Chairpersons in the Rajya Sabha is an essential component of the parliamentary system. Their role in maintaining order, facilitating debates, and assisting in the passage of bills ensures the house’s effective functioning, making them a crucial asset to the Indian parliamentary process.

Also Read: Reservation Of Women In Legislature


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Frequently Asked Questions

The Rajya Sabha Chairman reconstituted it with 8 members.

Article 118(1) of the Constitution empowers it.

The Chairperson nominates them from among Rajya Sabha members, and their tenure continues until a new panel is appointed.

No, the Chairman's duties are performed by a member appointed by the President during such times.

They assist in maintaining order, passing bills, and ensuring effective governance in the Chairman's absence.

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