Agriculture: Basics, Terminologies & Revolution

April 7, 2024 1200 0


  • Agriculture is a  Primary Activity.  According to Section 10 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, income generated from any agricultural activities are exempted from being taxed by the Government as it is not counted as a part of an individual’s total income.
  • Agriculture provides livelihoods for over 50% of India’s population, directly and indirectly. (At the time of independence around 85% of the population residing in villages and depending on agriculture for their livelihood) 
  • Agriculture contributes a significant 17% to India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
  • According to FAO: The term ”Agriculture” is used in a broad sense to cover agriculture, forestry, fisheries, land & water, agro-industries, environment, manufacturing of agricultural inputs & machineries, regional & river development and rural development.
Ranking of India

  • Third largest consumer of edible oil; Top Producer States: Gujarat (Groundnut), UP (Mustard), MP (Soybean). 
  • Fourth largest oilseed-producing country
  • Second largest fish producer in the world in 2018-19. 
  • First in milk production since 1998; 20 % of world milk production.
  • Largest bovine population in the world.
  • Vegetable oils account for the highest import in terms of value (70% of edible oil consumption); Pulses account for second-most highest while fresh fruits account for third highest and spices account for least imports in terms of value. [UPSC 2019]
  • Government imposes customs duty on edible oils to safeguard the interests of the domestic oil crushing industry [UPSC 2018]
  • Largest exporter of rice in the world in the last five years is India [UPSC 2019]

Agriculture Census

  • Conducted by the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and farmers welfare at the interval of every 5 yearsFirst Census : 1970-71; Last Census (11th Census): 2021-22. 
  • Operational Holding: An operational holding comprises all land utilized, either wholly or partly, for agricultural production.
  • Operated Area: Encompasses both cultivated and uncultivated land, as long as a portion of it is utilized for agricultural production during the reference period.
  • Size Classes and Size Groups of Holdings: 
    • Marginal: Below 1 ha; 
    • Small: 1 to 2 ha; 
    • Semi Medium: 2 to 4 ha; 
    • Medium: 4 to 10 ha; 
    • Large: 4 to 10 ha
  • Small Farmers Large Field (SFLF): It is a collective action model in which many marginal farmers in an area organize themselves into groups and synchronize and harmonize selected agricultural operations. [UPSC 2023]

Terminology Related to Cropping

  • Cropping Intensity: Number of crops cultivated in a piece of land per annum.
  • Cropping Pattern: Different crops grown in an area at a particular point of time.
  • Multiple Cropping: Growing more than two crops in a piece of land in a year in orderly succession.
  • Inter Cropping:  Growing two or more crops simultaneously with distinct row arrangement on the same field at same time.
  • Mixed Cropping:  Also known as polyculture, a type of agriculture that involves planting two or more plants simultaneously in the same field, interdigitating the crops.
  • Strip Cropping: In this, crops are cultivated in alternate strips which are parallel to each other on the same piece of land.
  • Contour Bunding: It is the farming practice of ploughing/planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines, that create a water break which reduces the formation of rills and gullies during times of heavy water run-off.

Farming System

  • Wetland Farming : Soils flooded or irrigated: lake, pond or canal and land is always in submerged condition.
  • Dry Land Farming: Practice of crop production entirely depending upon rainfall; moisture conserved in the soil.
  • Rain Fed Farming: Crop production in areas where rainfall is, more than 750 mm.
  • Mixed Farming: System of farming on a particular farm which includes crop production, raising livestock, poultry, fisheries, beekeeping etc.

Animal Husbandry

  • The contribution to total Livestock GVA (at constant prices) was 30.19% of Agricultural and Allied Sector GVA and 5.73% of Total GVA in 2021-22.
  • India ranks 5th in the world in terms of meat production
  • Top 5 Meat Producing States: Maharashtra (12.25%), Uttar Pradesh (12.14%), West Bengal (11.63%), Andhra Pradesh (11.04%) and Telangana (10.82%).
  • Livestock Census
    • Conducted periodically since 1919-20; Covers all domesticated animals and its headcounts.
  • The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying conducted the 20th Livestock Census in 2019.
  • Total Livestock Population: 536.76 million, showing an increase of 4.8% over Livestock Census-2012
  • Total Bovine population (Cattle, Buffalo, Mithun and Yak): 79 Million in 2019;  Increase of about 1% over the previous census.
  • The total number of Cattle in the country is 193.46 million in 2019 showing an increase of 1.3 % over previous Census.
  • A  6% decrease from the previous census in the overall population of Indigenous and non-descript cattle.
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  • The Blue Revolution in India demonstrated the importance of the Fisheries and Aquaculture sector.
  • India is the 3rd largest fish producing and 2nd largest aquaculture nation in the world after China.
  • A sunrise sector and is poised to play a significant role in the Indian economy in near future
  • Domination of Inland Fisheries: India witnessed a paradigm shift from marine-dominated fisheries to inland fisheries
    • Inland fisheries are a major contributor of fish production from 36% in the mid-1980 to 70% in the recent past.
  • Fish Production: Production increased from 7.5 Lakhs MT during 1950-51 to the current production of 141 Lakhs MT. 
    • Till 2000, marine fish production dominated India’s total fish production. 
    • Inland fisheries in India presently contribute around 70 % of total fish production due to the practice of science-based fisheries.
  • In India, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu are major fish-producing states.

Revolutions of Agriculture in India

  • Green Revolution: Food grains
  • Blue Revolution: Fisheries
  • White Revolution: Milk
  • Pink Revolution: Onion production/ pharmaceutical and prawn production.
  • Yellow Revolution: Oil seed production
  • Golden Fiber Revolution: Jute
  • Golden Revolution: Horticulture (fruits, vegetables, tuber crops, flowers, medicinal and aromatic plants, spices and plantation crops)
  • Silver Fiber Revolution: Cotton
  • Silver Revolution: Eggs & poultry farming


  • Agriculture plays a key role in sustaining human life by providing food, fiber, and other essential resources. 
  • It is not only a fundamental aspect of our economy but also crucial for environmental stewardship and biodiversity preservation.
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