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May 14, 2024
The Bahmani Kingdom, spanning from 1347 to 1527, emerged as a significant power in the Deccan region of India. Founded by Bahman Shah, it witnessed a series of rulers who shaped its administration, military, and cultural landscape. This article delves into the key rulers and their contributions, along with the eventual fragmentation of the kingdom into successor states.
Mohammed Gawan was his lieutenant (Prime Minister) who contributed extensively to the dynamic development of the Bahmani Kingdom.
Dynasty | City | Founder |
Adil Shahi | Bijapur | Yusuf Adil Shah |
Qutb Shahi | Golconda | Quli Qutub Shah |
Nizam Shahi | Ahmednagar | Malik Ahmad |
Sharqi Shahi | Jaunpur | Malik Sarwar |
Ibrahim Adil Shah-II (1580-1627 A.D.)
1. Gol Gumbad which is said to be the largest dome in the world is situated in Bijapur district of Karnataka.
2. Golkonda Fort
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The Bahmani Kingdom’s legacy reverberates through the Deccan’s historical tapestry, marked by its administrative innovations, military conquests, and cultural achievements. Despite its eventual disintegration into multiple successor states, such as Bijapur, Ahmadnagar, and Golkonda, the Bahmani era left an indelible imprint on the Deccan’s socio-political landscape, influencing subsequent developments in the region.
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