Buddhist Literature: Tripitakas, Epics, and Treatises

April 24, 2024 3026 0

Buddhist literature encompasses a vast array of texts, ranging from ancient scriptures to commentaries and philosophical treatises. These texts serve as the primary sources for Buddhist teachings, meditation practices, and ethical guidelines, spanning various languages and traditions.

Key Features of Buddhist literature

  • Language: The Buddhist texts were compiled in Pali, the language of common people, contributing to the spread of Buddhism. 
  • The Pali canons are called the Tripitakas (Three Baskets):
    • Vinaya Pitaka: Focuses on monastic rules and moral disciplines.
    • Sutta Pitaka:  Dwells upon discourses and teachings of Buddha.
      • It is divided into five Nikayas (Digha, Majjhima, Samyutta, Anguttara, and Khuddaka).
      • They contain popular works such as Theragatha and Therigatha (Hymns of the Elder Monks and Nuns) and Jataka tales (Buddha’s deeds in previous births as Bodhisattva).
    • Abhidhamma Pitaka: Expounds Buddhist philosophy.

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Other Buddhist Literature     


(one of the twin epics of post-Sangam age )

Sattanar 1. Buddhcharita

2. Saudaranand

3. Sariputra Prakaran 

Kundalakesi  Nagakuthanaar Abhidhmma Kosh Vasubandhu
Madhyami Kakarika Nagarjuna Pramāṇasamuccaya Dignāga
  • Vishuddhimagga was written by Buddhaghosh.
  • Ceylonese chronicles [Dipavamsa (Island Chronicles), Mahavamsa (Great Chronicle) and Culavamsa (Lesser Chronicle)] contain regional histories of Buddhism.
  • Milinda Panha: Conversations between King Menander and monk Nagasena.
  • Netti Pakarana: It is a Buddhist scripture, sometimes included in the Khuddaka Nikaya of Theravada Buddhism’s Pali Canon. [UPSC 2022]
  • Avadana literature is an anthology in Sanskrit of one hundred Buddhist legends.
  • Lalitavistara is a biography of the Gautama Buddha, written in a combination of Sanskrit and vernacular.
  • Samannaphala Sutta: It is the second sutta of the Digha Nikaya and is related to the conversation between Buddha and Ajatasatru.


Must Read

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  • Buddhist literature forms the cornerstone of Buddhist tradition, offering profound insights into the nature of reality, the path to enlightenment, and the alleviation of suffering. 
    • These texts continue to inspire and guide practitioners worldwide, preserving the wisdom of the Buddha for generations to come.
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