Dance Forms In India: Historical Context, Natya Shastra

April 12, 2024 677 0


India boasts a rich cultural tapestry with diverse dance forms showcasing regional traditions, mythology, and spirituality, making it a treasure trove of artistic expression.

Natya Shastra: Ancient Indian Performing Arts

  • Bharat Muni’s Natya Shastra: It is the earliest known treatise on dance, encompassing drama, dance, and music
    • Period: It was composed between the 2nd century BC and the 2nd century AD and is often regarded as the fifth Veda (Natya Veda)
    • It describes the techniques, postures, emotions, ornaments, stage, and audience. 
  • Vedic Inspiration: It integrates elements from various Vedas, combining Pathya (words) from the Rig Veda, Abhinaya (gestures) from the Yajur Veda, Geet (music) from the Sam Veda and Rasa (emotions) from the Atharva Veda.

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Dynamics of Indian Classical Dance: Tandava, Lasya, and Abhinaya

  • Bharata and Nandikesvara view dance as art using the human body as a vehicle of expression.
  • As per the Natya Shastra, there are two primary aspects of Indian classical dance:
    • Tandava: It represents male aspects of dance which places more emphasis on rhythm and movement.
    • Lasya: It represents female aspects, denoting grace, bhava, rasa and abhinaya.
  • Abhinaya encompasses expression through angika (body and limbs), vachika (song and speech), aharya (costume and adornment), and satvika (moods and emotions).
  • According to Abhinaya Darpan (treatise on dance by Nandikeshwara), dance is considered to have three aspects:
    • Natya emphasizes the dramatic element.
    • Nritya is expressive, conveying the meaning of a theme or idea.
    • Nritta is pure dance, devoid of mood or meaning.

Navarasas: Essential Techniques for Expressive Dance and Drama

  • To present nritya and natya effectively, dancers must communicate the Navarasas.
  • Navarasas Include: Love (shringaara), mirth (haasya), compassion (karuna), valour (veera), anger (roudra), fear (bhayanak), disgust (bibhatsa), wonder (adbhuta) and peace (shaanta).

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  • From the graceful movements to the vibrant beats, Indian dance forms reflect the country’s unity in diversity and continue to captivate audiences worldwide with their beauty and depth.
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