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April 24, 2024 1799 0
Buddhism, founded by Gautama Buddha, encompasses essential doctrines guiding followers towards liberation from suffering. Central teachings include the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, impermanence, and the concept of non-self.
The Philosophical Foundations of Buddhism
Thus, following the path of moderation between severe penance and self-indulgence, human beings can rise above these worldly troubles.
Four Noble Truths of Buddha: Understanding the Essence of Buddhist Philosophy
Eightfold path (Astangika marga) | Buddhism incorporates karma and rebirth, where past actions shape one’s current life. Liberation from karma and rebirth leads to nirvana, attainable via the Middle Path. | |
(To stay away from)
1. Coveting the property of others. 2. Committing violence. 3. Using intoxicants. 4. Speaking a lie. 5. Indulging in corrupt practices. |
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