INA Trials: Overview & Three Upsurges

June 6, 2024 1674 0


The INA trials symbolize the valor and sacrifice of Indian soldiers who fought against colonial rule alongside Subhas Chandra Bose. On the other hand, the Three Upsurges denote the waves of mass mobilization and resistance against British oppression, showcasing the resilience and determination of the Indian populace in their fight for liberation. 

About INA Trials

  • Public trials were held for hundreds of INA prisoners. Mass pressure against INA trials led to a decisive shift in government policy.
  • Symbolism of the First INA Trial: The first INA trial took place in November 1945 at the Red Fort in Delhi, with Prem Kumar Sehgal, a Hindu, Shah Nawaz Khan, a Muslim, and Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon, a Sikh. This acted as a common denominator for all Indians. [UPSC 2021]
  • Anti-Imperialist Sentiment: Use of Indian Army units to restore French and Dutch colonial rule in Vietnam and Indonesia increased anti-imperialist sentiment among the urban population and the army.
  • Congress Endorses INA Cause: At the post-war Congress session in Bombay (September 1945), a robust resolution declared Congress’s support for the INA cause.
  • Legal Defense: Bhulabhai Desai, Tej Bahadur Sapru, Kailash Nath Katju, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Asaf Ali organized the defence for INA prisoners in court. 
    • INA Relief and Enquiry Committee helped the affected persons.
  • Nerve Center and Support Group 
    • Nerve centers included Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, United Provinces towns, and Punjab. Participation from distant places occurred such as Coorg, Balochistan, and Assam.
    • Besides Congress, support came from the Muslim League, Communist Party, Unionists, Akalis, Justice Party, Ahrars in Rawalpindi, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Hindu Mahasabha, and Sikh League.
    • Government employees, loyalists, armed forces personnel, All India Women’s Conference, film stars, municipal committees, Indians living abroad, gurudwaras, and civilians supported the INA cause. Men of the armed forces attended meetings, welcomed released prisoners, and contributed funds.
    • The central theme became questioning Britain’s right to decide Indian matters. INA issue gained political significance with an increasingly ‘Indian versus British narrative.
    • However, Communal unity was more organizational than among the people, with Muslim ratings seeking advice from the League and others from Congress and Socialists.

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Three Upsurges (Winter of 1945–46)

  • First: On November 21, 1945, in Calcutta over the INA trials
    • Calcutta witnessed a major upsurge related to the INA trials.
    • On November 21, 1945, a student procession occurred, involving Forward Bloc sympathizers, Student Federation of India (SFI) activists, and Islamia College students allied with the League and Congress.
    • The procession marched to Dalhousie Square in Calcutta, symbolizing anti-imperialist unity by tying flags.
    • The protestors refused to disperse and faced lathi-charging by the authorities.
    • In response, the protestors threw stones and brickbats, leading to the police firing, resulting in the death of two individuals.
  • Second: On February 11, 1946, to protest against the seven-year sentence given to one Rashid Ali
    • The protest continued, led by Muslim League students with participation from Congress and communist student organisations. 
    • Despite arrests, students defied Section 144, leading to more arrests.
    • The agitating students faced lathi-charging in subsequent clashes with the authorities.
  • Third: On February 18, 1946 – Bombay Naval Strike
    • 1100 Royal Indian Navy (RIN) ratings of HMIS Talwar went on strike against racial discrimination, unpalatable food, abuse by officers, arrest of a rating for ‘Quit India’ scrawl, INA trials, and use of Indian troops in Indonesia.
    • Ratings hoisted tricolour, crescent, and hammer and sickle flags on the rebel fleet.
    • Ratings toured Bombay with Congress flags, receiving support from crowds and shopkeepers.
Strikes in Other Areas

  • There were sympathetic strikes in military establishments in Karachi, Madras, Visakhapatnam, Calcutta, Delhi, Cochin, Jamnagar, Andamans, Bahrain, and Aden.
  • There were strikes by the Royal Indian Air Force in Bombay, Poona, Calcutta, Jessore, and Ambala.
  • Patel and Jinnah persuaded the ratings to surrender on February 23 with an assurance that national parties would prevent any victimization.
  • Non-Endorsement of Upsurges: The Congress officially did not endorse these upsurges due to concerns about tactics and timing.
  • Gandhi’s Perspective: Gandhi believed the mutiny was misguided; if for India’s freedom, doubly so, and if there were grievances, guidance from leaders should have been sought instead of resorting to a mutiny.
  • Concessions Prompted by These Upsurges
    • Only those INA members, accused of serious offenses, were tried.
    • Imprisonment sentences for the first batch were remitted in January 1947.
    • Indian soldiers were withdrawn from Indo-China and Indonesia by February 1947.
    • The decision to send a parliamentary delegation to India in November 1946 was followed by the decision to send the Cabinet Mission in January 1946.

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The INA Trials, alongside the three upsurges, represent pivotal moments in India’s struggle for independence.  Through legal defense efforts and relief initiatives, individuals like Bhulabhai Desai, Tej Bahadur Sapru, Kailash Nath Katju, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Asaf Ali provided crucial support to those affected by the trials. Overall, the INA Trials and accompanying upsurges serve as enduring symbols of resistance against colonial rule and the quest for freedom.

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