International Monetary Fund (IMF) Schemes and Lending Facilities: Economic Stability

April 5, 2024 1040 0


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) offers various lending facilities and schemes to assist member countries facing economic challenges. These facilities are designed to provide financial support to countries experiencing balance of payment difficulties or crises. They aim to promote stability, facilitate economic recovery, and support sustainable growth through policy reforms.

Some International Monetary Fund (IMF) Schemes and Lending Facilities

  • Stand-By Arrangement (SBA): Helps countries in economic crisis to overcome the Balance of Payment (BoP) problems.
  • Flexible Credit Line (FCL) 
    • For countries with very strong track records of policy implementation. 
    • No ongoing conditions and no caps on the size of the credit line.
  • Precautionary and Liquidity Line (PLL)
    • Provides financing to meet actual or potential balance of payments needs of countries with sound policies. 
    • Serve as insurance and help resolve crises.
  • Extended Fund Facility (EFF)
    • It is a service provided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to its member countries which authorizes them to raise any amount of foreign exchange from it to fulfill their BoP crisis, but on the conditions of structural reforms in the economy.
  • Trade Integration Mechanism
    • Allows the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to provide loans under one of its facilities to a developing country whose balance of payments is suffering because of multilateral trade liberalization.
  • Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI): Provides rapid financial assistance, which is available to all member countries facing an urgent balance of payment needs; 
  • Rapid Credit Facility (RCF): Provides rapid concessional financial assistance to low-income countries (LICs) facing an urgent Balance of Payments (BoP) need with no ex-post conditionality where a full-fledged economic program is neither necessary nor feasible. 
    • The RCF was created under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT) [UPSC 2022]
  • India joined the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1945, as one of the original founding members.
  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) grants loans to its members only. [UPSC 2011]
  • Foreign Investment methods
    • Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT): Treaties between two countries aimed at protecting investments made by investors of both countries; 
      • Treaties impose conditions on the regulatory behavior of the host state and limit interference with the rights of the foreign investor.
    • Participatory Notes: Financial instruments required by investors or hedge funds to invest in Indian securities without having to register with the SEBI.
    • ADR (American Depository Receipts) and GDR (Global Depository Receipts): Commonly used by the Indian companies to raise funds from the foreign capital market; ADR is traded on US stock exchanges; GDR is traded on European stock exchanges.
  • International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) [UPSC 2016]
    • IMFC discusses matters of concern affecting the global economy, and advises the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the direction of its work.
    • The World Bank participates as an observer in IMFC’s meetings
    • The price of any currency in the international market is decided by the demand for goods/services provided by the country concerned and Stability of the government of the concerned country. [UPSC 2012]


Must Read
Current Affairs Editorial Analysis
Upsc Notes  Upsc Blogs 
NCERT Notes  Free Main Answer Writing


  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) schemes and lending facilities play a vital role in providing financial assistance to member countries facing economic challenges. 
  • From standby arrangements to rapid financing instruments, these facilities cater to diverse needs, including balance of payments crises, structural reforms, and trade integration efforts.
  • These mechanisms underscore the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s commitment to supporting member countries and fostering economic cooperation and development worldwide.
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