Membership in State Legislatures: Oath, Qualifications, Disqualifications, and Vacating Seats

March 26, 2024 1552 0


Membership of the State Legislature refers to the collective body of elected representatives who serve in the legislative assembly and, where applicable, the legislative council of a state in India.  As integral components of the state’s governance structure, members of the state legislature are entrusted with the responsibility of addressing local issues, promoting development, and upholding the principles of democracy and governance. This article deals with Oath, Qualification, Disqualification, and Vacating of seats of members of the state legislature.


Oath or Affirmation ( Article 188)
  • Make and subscribe to an oath or affirmation before the Governor or some person appointed by him for this purpose.
  • Without Oath: He cannot vote & participate in the proceedings of the house and no privileges & immunities are available.
  • Penalty: A person is liable to a penalty of 500 for each day he/ she sits or votes as a member in a House in the following conditions: Before taking and subscribing to the prescribed oath or affirmation; or When he/she knows that he/she is not qualified or that he/she is disqualified for its membership; or When he/she knows that he/she is prohibited from sitting or voting in the House by virtue of any parliamentary law.
Qualification (Article 173) Mentioned in Constitution

  • Citizen of India.
  • Make and subscribe to an oath or affirmation before the person authorized by the ECI.
  • Age: Not less than 25 yrs (SLA) & 30 yrs (SLC).
  • Other qualifications prescribed by the Parliament.

RPA 1951 (by parliament)

  • SLC: must be an elector for the assembly constituency in that state & to be nominated by the governor; must be a resident of that state.
  • SLA: must be an elector for the assembly constituency in that state.
  • Contest from Reserved Seat: Must be a member of SC/ST. However, SC/ST members can also contest a seat not reserved for them.
Disqualification(Article 191) Mentioned in Constitution

  • If he holds office of profit (Union/state)
  • Unsound mind and so declared by the court
  • Undischarged insolvent
  • Not a citizen of India
  • If disqualified under any law made by the Parliament

RPA 1951 (by parliament)

  • Guilty of election offence/corrupt practice; failed to lodge an account of his election expenses within the time; interest in government contracts, works or services; director or managing agent nor hold an office of profit in a corporation in which the government has at least 25 percent share;
  • Convicted for promoting enmity; punished for preaching and practising social crimes; Dismissed from Govt. service for corruption or disloyalty to the State; Imprisoned for 2 or more years.

Note: Governor’s decision is final on above disqualifications, and Governor should obtain the opinion of ECI.

Ground of Defection

  • Disqualified under the provisions of the 10th schedule of the Constitution
  • Decided by: Chairman in the case of Legislative Council & Speaker in case of Legislative Assembly.
  • Kihota Hollohan Vs. Zachillhu Case: SC said that the decision of the Chairman/Speaker is subject to judicial overview.
Vacation of Seats (Article 190)
  • Double Membership: Cannot be a member of both the houses at same time. One seat becomes vacant as per the law made by the State Legislature.
  • Disqualification: As per Constitution or RPA 1951 or Tenth Schedule.
  • Resignation: Resignation letter to Chairman of Council or Speaker of Assembly as per the case.
  • Absence: If he is absent for 60 days without permission of the house.
  • Other Cases: Election declared void by the court; expelled by the house; elected as President or VP; appointed as Governor.


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