Contributions of Panchayati Raj Committees in India

March 26, 2024 10736 0


Panchayati Raj refers to the system of local self-government in rural areas, established under the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992. Various committees on Panchayats refer to specialized bodies or groups formed to study, evaluate, or advise on matters related to Panchayati Raj institutions (PRIs) in India.  These committees are often constituted by government authorities at different levels to address specific issues, propose reforms, or monitor the functioning of Panchayats.

  • Local Government is a state subject under the seventh schedule (the fifth entry of the State List of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India deals with ‘local government’).
  • Article 40 (DPSP): The State shall take steps to organize village panchayats and endow them with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self-government.
  • First state to establish Panchayati Raj: Nagaur, Rajasthan (by PM Jawaharlal Nehru on October 2, 1959)
  • Subject of ‘Urban Local Government’: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs + Ministry of Defence + Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • Lord Ripon Resolution (Father of Local Self Government): Magna Carta of local self-government introduced in 1882.

Evolution of Panchayats in India

Balwant Rai Mehta Committee (1957): 

  • Objective of the Committee: Examine the working of Community Development Programs (1952) and National Extension Services (1953).
  • Submitted a report in November 1957 and recommended the establishment of the scheme of ‘democratic decentralization’.

Major Recommendations:

  • Three-tier Panchayati Raj system (Gram panchayat- Village level, Panchayat samiti-Block level and Zila parishad-district level).
  • Direct election for village panchayats.
  • Indirect election for panchayat samiti (executive body) and zila parishad (advisory, coordinating and supervisory body).
    • Planning and development should be entrusted to these bodies.
  • The district collector should be the chairman of Zila Parishad.
  • Genuine transfer of power and responsibility to these democratice bodies.
  • Adequate resources should be transferred to these bodies.
  • Further devolution of authority in the future.
  • Recommendations of the committee were accepted by the National Development Council in January 1958.
  • Rajasthan was the first state to establish Panchayati Raj inaugurated by the prime minister on October 2, 1959, in Nagaur district.

Ashok Mehta Committee (1977)

  • Objective: Committee on Panchayat Raj Institutions.
  • It submitted its report in August 1978 and made 132 recommendations to revive and strengthen the declining Panchayati Raj system in the country.


  • 2 tiers (Zila parishad at district level and mandal panchayat consisting of a group of villages ).
  • District should be the first point for decentralization.
  • PRIs should have regular social audits by a district-level agency.
  • PRIs should have compulsory powers of taxation to mobilize their own financial resources.
  • Official participation of political parties at all levels of panchayat elections.
  • State government should not supersede the PRIs.
  • Executive Body: Zila Parishad (planning and development).
  • Recommended Nyaya Panchayat (presided over by a qualified judge ).
  • Developmental function shall be transferred to CEO of Zila Parishad.
  • Panchayati Raj Elections: The chief electoral officer of a state in consultation with the chief election commissioner should organise and conduct the elections.
  • District collector as a regulator, revenue functions of state govt.
  • Minister for Panchayati Raj: to be appointed in the state council of ministers.
  • Reservation of Seats: for SCs and STs on the basis of their population.
  • Constitutional Recognition (PRIs): To ensure sanctity and stature and an assurance of continuous functioning.
  • No actions were taken on any recommendation, However Karnataka, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh took steps to revitalise the Panchayati raj based on the recommendations of this committee.

Dantewala Committee (1978): On Block Level Planning.

  • The basic decentralised planning function should be done at the district level.

Hanumantha Rao Committee (1984): 

  • Separate district planning bodies under either the District Collector or a minister.
  • Collectors should play a significant role in decentralised planning.
  • Like Dantewala, This committee also suggested that basic decentralised planning function should be done at the district level.

G V K Rao Committee (1985):

  • Objective: To examine programs of rural development and poverty alleviation.
  • Concluded that the developmental process was gradually bureaucratised and divorced from the Panchayati Raj.


  • Zila parishad: It should be of pivotal importance. Zila Parishad should become the principal body for the management of all development programs.
  • Development Program Responsibilities: PRI at district and lower levels should be assigned to planning, implementation and monitoring of development programmes.
  • Creation of the post of District Development Commissioner.
  • Some of the planning functions at the state level should be transferred to the district level planning.
  • Regular elections should be held.

L M Singhvi Committee (1986):

  • Objective: To prepare a concept paper on ‘Revitalization of Panchayati Raj Institutions for Democracy and Development’.


  • Constitutional recognition to PRI with the addition of a new chapter in the Constitution of India.
  • 3 tiers system with Zilla parishad (Planning and development at the district level).
  • Nyaya Panchayats for a cluster of villages.
  • Make Gram Panchayats more viable (embodiment of direct democracy).
  • Establishment of tribunals for PRIs issues.

Thungon Committee: District Planning (1988)

  • Objective: To examine the political and administrative structure in the district for the purpose of district planning.


  • Constitutional recognition of PRIs.
  • Three tiers Panchayati Raj.
  • Zila Parishad for planning and development.
  • Fixed tenure of 5 years.
  • The maximum period of super session of a body: six months.
  • Reservation of seats in all the three-tiers on the basis of population as well as reservation for women.
  • State finance commission in each state.
  • Planning and coordination committee at the state level (chaired by the Minister of Planning).
  • District collector should be the CEO of Zila Parishad.

Gadgil Committee (Committee on Policy and Programs) (1988):

  • Objective: The committee considered the question of “how best Panchayati Raj institutions could be made effective”.


  • Constitutional status to PRIs.
  • 3 tiers, fixed 5 year tenure.
  • Empowerment of Panchayati Raj: The Panchayati Raj bodies should have the responsibility of preparation and implementation of plans for socio-economic development. 
    • For this purpose, a list of subjects should be specified in the constitution.
  • Direct elections for members of the Panchayats at all three levels.
  • Reservation for SCs, STs and women.
  • Power to levy, collect and appropriate taxes and duties to PRIs.
  • Establishment of State Finance Commission and State Election Commission.
  • These recommendations became the basis for drafting an amendment bill to confer constitutional status and protection to the Panchayati Raj institutions.


  • Various committees on Panchayati Raj have played crucial roles in shaping the evolution and effectiveness of local self-government institutions in India. 
  • Through their recommendations and insights, these committees have contributed to the empowerment, accountability, and efficiency of Panchayati Raj bodies, thereby promoting grassroots democracy and socio-economic development across the country.

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