Pottery of Indus Valley Civilisation: Characteristics & Uses

April 12, 2024 10177 0


Indus Valley Civilisation pottery showcases advanced techniques and diverse forms, offering insights into ancient trade, culture, and society in the Indian subcontinent.

Characteristics of Pottery of Indus Valley Civilisation

  • Making: The Indus Valley pottery consists chiefly of very fine wheel-made wares, very few being hand-made.
  • Red Clay: Plain pottery of Indus Valley Civilisation is generally of red clay, with or without a fine red or gray slip. 
  • The black-painted ware has a fine coating of red slip on which geometric and animal designs are executed in glossy black paint. 
  • Polychrome Pottery: Rare and mainly consisted of small vases decorated with geometric patterns in red, black, green, rarely white and yellow.
  • Incised Ware:  Rare with incised decoration confined to the bases of pots.

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Uses of Pottery of Indus Valley Civilisation

  • Perforated pottery with large holes at the bottom and small holes all over the wall was probably used for straining the liquor.
  • Miniature vessels, generally less than half an inch in size, were used for decorative purposes.
  • Pottery for household purposes was found in all shapes and sizes. Graceful curves were used, while straight and angular shapes were an exception.


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