UPSC Mains GS Paper 4 Syllabus, Download UPSC General Studies 4 Syllabus PDF

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UPSC Mains GS Paper 4 Syllabus: UPSC GS 4 includes topics related to Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude. It covers ethical theories, case studies, emotional intelligence, and moral values. Check the detailed syllabus for UPSC Mains GS Paper 4 Syllabus in the given article.

UPSC Mains GS Paper 4 Syllabus, Download UPSC General Studies 4 Syllabus PDF

UPSC Mains GS Paper 4 Syllabus

UPSC Mains General Studies Paper 4, also known as GS-IV, is all about Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude. It’s a crucial component of the UPSC Mains Examination, which consists of nine distinct papers. In this article, we will delve into the strategies, structure, and syllabus of UPSC General Studies Paper 4 for the Civil Service Mains Examination.

Aspirants can also check the General Studies Syllabus for UPSC Mains through the link given below:

UPSC Mains GS Paper 1 Syllabus

UPSC Mains GS Paper 2 Syllabus

UPSC Mains GS Paper 3 Syllabus

UPSC GS Paper 4 Syllabus PDF

In UPSC GS Paper 4 Syllabus, candidates are tested on how they deal with honesty and morality in public life. They are also assessed on their problem-solving skills. Although there might be some similar topics with Governance and Social Justice from another paper, this paper is mainly focused on its own General Studies Mains Syllabus. Below UPSC aspirants can check the download link for UPSC GS Paper 4 Syllabus PDF.

UPSC GS Paper 4 Syllabus PDF

UPSC Mains General Studies 4

The Civil Service Exam‘s second stage has nine subjective papers and one of them is UPSC Mains General Studies 4. This paper will test the candidates’ attitudes towards integrity, honesty, and problem-solving skills. It will also examine how they deal with various issues and conflicts when interacting with society. The UPSC Mains General Studies 4 Syllabus includes:

  1. Ethics
  2. Integrity
  3. Aptitude

UPSC Mains GS Paper 4 Focus Area

Check the focus area for UPSC Mains GS Paper 4 Syllabus in the given below table:

UPSC Mains GS Paper 4 Focus Area


Ethics Topics
1. Ethics and Human Interface
2. Human Values
3. Attitude
4. Aptitude
5. Emotional Intelligence
6. Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and the world
7. Public or Civil Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration
8. Ethical issues in international relations and funding corporate governance
9. Probity in Governance: Concept of public service; Philosophical basis of governance and probity; information

Codes of ethics &  Citizen’s Charters

UPSC GS 4 Structure

  • The paper is divided into two sections, with a total of twelve questions.
  • In the past, there were fourteen questions, but they’ve become more complex and reduced in number since 2018.
  • All questions are obligatory.
  • Questions are categorized as either 10 marks or 20 marks, depending on the required answer length.
  • Answers for 10 marks questions should be concise and within 150 words, while 20 marks questions require more in-depth responses, limited to 250 words.
  • This paper is worth a total of 250 marks.
  • There are two main question types:
  1. Direct concept-related questions (125 marks) that test understanding of ethical issues and related concepts.
  2. Case studies (125 marks) that assess the application of these concepts to real-life situations involving various stakeholders.
  • The nature of questions in this paper can vary widely from year to year.
  • To excel, candidates should familiarize themselves with the syllabus and recent question patterns from previous years.

UPSC Mains GS 4 Ethics Syllabus

Check the detailed UPSC Mains GS 4 Ethics Syllabus in the given below table:

UPSC Mains GS 4 Ethics Syllabus
Topics Subtopics
Ethics and Human Interface The Essence of Ethics, Determinants and Consequences of Ethics in Human Interaction

Dimensions of Ethics

Ethics in private and public relationships

Human Values – lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators

Role of family, society and educational institutions in inculcating moral and ethical values

Candidates can get the Ethics Questions for UPSC Mains GS 4 in the linked article.

Attitude Content, structure and function of attitude

Influence of attitude in thought and behaviour

Relation of attitude to thought and behaviour

Moral and Political attitudes

Social influence and persuasion

Candidates can get the Attitude Questions for UPSC Mains GS 4 in the linked article.

Aptitude Aptitude and foundational values of Civil Service


Impartiality and non-partisanship


Dedication to public service

Empathy, tolerance, and compassion towards the weaker sections of the society

Candidates can get the Aptitude Questions for UPSC Mains GS 4 in the linked article.

Emotional Intelligence Concepts of emotional intelligence

Utility and application of emotional intelligence in administration and governance

Candidates can get the Emotional Intelligence Questions for UPSC Mains GS 4 in the linked article.

Contributions of Thinkers and Philosophers Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and the world to the concepts of morality

Candidates can get the Thinkers and Reformers Questions for UPSC Mains GS 4 in the linked article.

Public/Civil Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration Status and associated problems

Ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions

Laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of ethical guidance

Accountability and ethical governance

Strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance

Ethical Issues in international relations and funding

Corporate governance

Candidates can get the Public Organisations Questions for UPSC Mains GS 4 in the linked article.

Probity in Governance Concept of public service

The philosophical basis of governance and probity

Information sharing and transparency in government

Right to Information

Codes of ethics

Codes of Conduct

Citizen’s Charters

Work culture

Quality of service delivery

Utilization of public funds

Challenges of corruption

UPSC IAS GS Paper 4 Important Topics

Here are some most important topics for the UPSC IAS GS Paper 4 examination.

  1. Understanding the fundamental notions and terminologies of ethics is important.
  2. Ethics can affect human behavior and has consequences.
  3. Study different aspects of ethics thoroughly.
  4. Case studies can be used to support your responses on the role of ethical ideals in private and public relations.
  5. IGNOU materials are created with human values in mind.
  6. Read autobiographies and biographies of philosophers, teachers, administrators, and Indian reformers for good quotes.
  7. The development of ethical sense and ideals can be influenced by family, society, and educational institutions.
  8. The NCERT psychology texts for grades XI and XII cover the form, function, and influence of ethical conceptions on behaviour.
  9. The concepts of attitude, integrity, and impartiality are crucial for civil service candidates.
  10. Emotional intelligence and its application, management, and governance are important.
  11. Ethics in public administration is crucial, including ethical difficulties, conscience, rules and regulations, and measures to promote governance’s ethical ideals.
  12. Probity in governance refers to the concept of public service, philosophical foundations of governance, and the concept of probity.
  13. Ethics codes, codes of conduct, and a citizen’s charter are all examples of citizen’s charters.
  14. Workplace culture and corruption are challenges related to ethics.

UPSC Mains GS Paper 4 Syllabus Books

Check the UPSC Mains GS Paper 4 Syllabus Books in the given below table:

UPSC Mains GS Paper 4 Syllabus Books
Books  Author/ Publication
Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude G. Subbarao
Psychology book Class XI & XII NCERT
Verghese Kurien autobiography ARC 4th report
Karma Yoga and his biography Swami Vivekananda
Ethics in Public Administration Patrick Sheeran
Ethics, Integrity, and aptitude McGraw-Hill Education (M.Karthikeyan)
Lexicon for ethics, integrity, and aptitude Civil services chronicle
Experiment with Truth Mahatma Gandhi
Citizen-Centric Administration ARC Report

UPSC Mains GS Paper 4 Syllabus FAQs

GS Paper 4 syllabus includes topics related to Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude. It covers ethical theories, case studies, emotional intelligence, and moral values.

There is only one subject in GS 4, which is Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude.

The UPSC booklist for GS 4 includes various sources such as NCERT books, IGNOU materials, ARC reports, and the syllabus itself. Candidates can also refer to newspapers, magazines, and online resources for additional information.

The best book for GS Paper 4 depends on individual preferences and study styles. Some popular books for this paper include Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude by Niraj Kumar, Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude for Civil Services Examination by G. Subba Rao, and Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude for Civil Services Main Examination by Subbarao & P.N. Roy Chowdhury.

GS Papers 1, 2, and 3 are considered to be more scoring in UPSC compared to GS Paper 4, which requires a more in-depth understanding of the subject and personal opinions. However, with proper preparation and understanding, candidates can still score well in GS Paper 4.

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