Why are the Youth not joining Politics?

Why are the Youth not joining Politics?


A large number of voters belong to the younger generation; their apathy towards the electoral process is a cause of concern.

Relevance For Prelims: Delimitation Act and Commission, Hindu mahasabha, A.O Hume

Relevance For Mains: Reasons of Youth not joining politics. 

Status of Young Voters in India

  • Youth Voter Registration: Increasingly, the nation’s demographic belongs to its younger citizens. It is disconcerting, therefore, that recent voter registrations among those just turning 18 have decreased. 
    • Considering a lifespan of around sixty years more, or approximately twelve general elections, the country’s future belongs to today’s youth
  • Low Youth Voter Registration: In Uttar Pradesh, our largest state only 25 percent of the eligible youth have registered themselves as voters.

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Historical Foundation of Political Engagement

  • Pre-Independence Political Organizations: Public political life in India traces back over fifty years prior to independence, with organizations like the Congress, Muslim League, Hindu Mahasabha, and Communist Party forming between 1885 and 1925.
  • Idealism to Disillusionment:The initial motivation stemmed from an idealistic pursuit of freedom, but disillusionment soon followed, accompanied by a decline in ethical and social values.

Reasons for Youth not joining Politics

  • Perception of Political Apathy: Over time, a significant portion of the country’s youth has developed the belief that regardless of who holds power, their lives won’t improve, viewing politicians as a self-serving class.
  • Quality of Political Representation: Not all political parties boast members from the most educated or knowledgeable sectors of society. 
    • Despite recent trends of academically and professionally qualified individuals entering politics, cynicism persists towards politicians and the political landscape as a whole.
  • Challenges in Political Participation: High constituency populations and the exorbitant costs of election campaigns pose significant barriers to political participation.
    • No ordinary entrant can afford to spend astronomical sums of money to cultivate nearly two million voters per seat.
  • Attraction of Wealthy Candidates to Politics: Another reason why wealthy candidates are attracted to politics is the traditional belief that once elected, the candidate would be able to earn back the money spent on electioneering and thereafter generate much money.

Way Forward

  • Addressing Electoral Challenges: Delimitation and an increase in seats aim to address these challenges, but further reforms are necessary to reduce corruption and make politics accessible to a wider demographic.
  • Deterrence for Opportunistic Candidates: Once the doors are closed to corruption, the attraction for opportunists to become candidates would be much diminished. 
  • Benefits of Compulsory Voting: Mandatory voting not only improves the electoral system but also lowers campaign costs.
    • It also eradicates the perpetuation of vote-bank politics. Previously, when voter turnout was 50 percent or less, candidates with secure vote banks had an easy path to victory.
  • Impact of Increased Voter Turnout: As voter turnout rises, the influence of a loyal vote bank diminishes. For example, in a constituency of 100,000 people, a candidate’s committed vote bank may constitute 25 percent, or 25,000 voters.
    • If overall turnout is only 50 to 55 percent, this loyal support ensures victory. However, with 100 percent turnout, such a vote bank loses its decisive advantage.
  • Curbing Freebies for Genuine Political Engagement: Limiting the use of freebies is essential for genuine political participation. 
    • Such giveaways undermine the democratic process, reducing elections to mere bribery. In this context, discussions about democracy’s integrity and youth participation become futile.

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Addressing these challenges, including through compulsory voting and curbing freebies, is crucial for fostering a more inclusive and vibrant political process that truly represents the diverse voices of the nation.

Also Read: Pressure Groups In Indian Politics


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