Global Recession 2023 and its Impact on India

Madhavi Gaur July 28, 2023 0

Global Recession 2023 and its Impact on India

Global Recession 2023

The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) forecasts the onset of a worldwide economic downturn in 2023. Other agencies also anticipate a global recession beginning in the same year. The implementation of new borrowing measures aimed at combating inflation leads to the contraction of several economies. In this article we will learn about the Global Recession 2023 and Global Recession 2008, and how India tackled the Global Recession each time.

In 2022, the global economy surpassed the milestone of $100 trillion for the first time, as reported by the British consultancy’s annual World Economic League Table. However, this growth will come to a standstill in 2023 due to governments grappling with increasing costs.

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Global Recession 2023
Global Recession 2023

Global Recession 2008

Initially, the Indian economy seemed to be shielded from the worldwide financial crisis that originated in August 2007 with the US sub-prime mortgage crisis. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) even raised interest rates until August 2008 to control the economy and reduce the GDP growth rate, which had surpassed the potential output growth rate, leading to inflationary pressures.

However, when the collapse of Lehman Brothers occurred on 23 September 2008, the US financial meltdown spread globally, and India felt an immediate impact. External credit inflows dried up, causing the overnight money market interest rate to surge above 20% and remain high for the following month. It is reasonable to assume that the effects of the global economic downturn on the Indian economy are still unfolding.

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Considering this situation, this paper aims to analyze the repercussions of the global financial crisis on the Indian economy and propose some policy measures to facilitate economic recovery.

CEBR Prediction on Global Recession 2023

The researcher’s findings present a more pessimistic outlook compared to the latest IMF forecast. Bloomberg reported in October that the IMF warned about a potential collapse in over a third of the world’s economies, with a 25% chance of global GDP expanding by less than 2% in 2023, leading to a worldwide recession.

As per Bloomberg’s projections, the global gross domestic product is expected to double by 2037, mainly due to developing economies catching up with wealthier ones. By that time, the East Asia and Pacific region will account for over a third of the world’s output, while Europe’s share will decrease to less than a fifth, reflecting changing power dynamics.

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The Centre for Economics and Business Research’s growth, inflation, and currency rate estimates are built upon data from the IMF’s World Economic Outlook and an internal model.

Global Recession 2023 Impact on India

The report envisions that India’s economy will attain a $10 trillion value by 2035 and will secure the third position globally by 2032. Due to the United States being a major superpower, any level of economic downturn, whether mild or severe, will inevitably have far-reaching consequences across the world.

The crisis eventually escalated and spread, leading to a worldwide economic shock that resulted in several European bank failures, declines in multiple stock indices, and significant devaluation of the Indian market.
As Indian businesses had significant outsourcing agreements with US clients, any slowdown in the US economy was undoubtedly devastating news for India. Over the years, India’s exports to the US have experienced growth. Nonetheless, India was affected by the severe financial crisis in September 2008 but managed to weather its impact and survive.

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Global Recession 2008

The Global Recession of 2008, also known as the Great Recession, was a catastrophic worldwide economic downturn that shook the very foundations of the global financial system. The recession, which originated in the United States, spread rapidly to the rest of the world, causing severe economic contractions and significant hardships for millions of people. In this article, we delve into the causes, consequences, and the lessons learned from the most severe financial crisis since the Great Depression.

Causes of the Global Recession 2008

  1. Housing Bubble and Subprime Mortgage Crisis: The roots of the 2008 recession can be traced back to the early 2000s when there was a speculative housing bubble in the United States. Lenders offered subprime mortgages to individuals with poor credit histories, allowing them to purchase homes they couldn’t afford. These subprime mortgages were then packaged into complex financial products and sold to investors.
  2. Financial Innovation and Complexity: Financial institutions developed increasingly complex financial products such as collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and mortgage-backed securities (MBS). These products were difficult to understand and assess, leading to a lack of transparency and proper risk evaluation.
  3. Excessive Risk-Taking and Deregulation: Some financial institutions engaged in reckless risk-taking to maximize short-term profits. Additionally, deregulation and lax oversight allowed financial markets to operate with minimal constraints, further exacerbating the situation.

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The Unraveling of the Global Recession 2008

The housing bubble burst in 2006, leading to a significant decline in housing prices. As a result, many homeowners found themselves unable to make mortgage payments, causing a surge in mortgage defaults. The default of subprime mortgages triggered a chain reaction that reverberated through the global financial system, as the complex financial products tied to these mortgages suffered massive losses.

Major events during the Global Recession 2008

  1. Lehman Brothers Collapse: The tipping point of the crisis occurred in September 2008 when Lehman Brothers, a prominent investment bank, filed for bankruptcy. This event sent shockwaves throughout the financial world, leading to a severe loss of confidence in financial institutions.
  2. Bank Bailouts and Government Intervention: Governments worldwide responded with massive bailout packages for struggling financial institutions to prevent a complete collapse of the global banking system. Institutions such as AIG, Citigroup, and Bank of America received government support to stabilize their operations.
  3. Global Economic Contraction: The financial crisis had severe repercussions on the real economy. Global trade declined, consumer spending dropped, and businesses faced credit shortages, leading to widespread layoffs and company closures.

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Consequences and Recovery from Global Recession 2008

  1. Unemployment and Poverty: The recession resulted in a sharp increase in unemployment rates worldwide. Many people lost their jobs, leading to a rise in poverty levels and exacerbating economic inequality.
  2. Stock Market Crash: Stock markets experienced significant declines, wiping out trillions of dollars in wealth for investors and retirement funds.
  3. Sovereign Debt Crisis: The crisis also led to a sovereign debt crisis in several countries, as governments struggled to manage their increasing debt levels while facing reduced tax revenues and economic growth.
  4. Global Economic Recovery: Governments and central banks employed various stimulus measures to boost economic growth and stabilize financial markets. The recovery, however, was slow and varied across different regions.

Lessons Learned from Global Recession 2008

The Global Recession of 2008 was a watershed moment that highlighted several critical lessons:

  1. Importance of Financial Regulation: The crisis underscored the need for robust financial regulation and oversight to prevent excessive risk-taking and ensure stability in financial markets.
  2. Risk Assessment and Transparency: Complex financial products require more rigorous risk assessment, and transparency should be enhanced to ensure investors fully understand the risks involved.
  3. Global Interconnectedness: The 2008 recession demonstrated how interconnected the global financial system is. National economies and financial markets are deeply interlinked, necessitating international cooperation to address systemic risks.
  4. Role of Monetary Policy: Central banks play a crucial role in managing economic stability. They need to use monetary policy effectively to control inflation and promote sustainable economic growth.

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Global Recession 2008 Impact on India
Global Recession 2008 Impact on India

Global Recession 2008 Impact on India

The global recession of 2008 had a significant impact on India, although the country was relatively better insulated compared to some other economies. Here are some of the key effects:

  1. Economic Slowdown: India’s economic growth slowed down during the recession. The country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate, which had been averaging around 9% in the years leading up to the crisis, dropped to around 6% in 2008-2009.
  2. Exports and Remittances: India’s exports suffered as demand from major trading partners, particularly the United States and European countries, decreased significantly. This hit industries like textiles, gems and jewelry, and information technology services. Additionally, remittances from Indian expatriates working abroad also declined, impacting the country’s foreign exchange reserves.
  3. Capital Flows: During the recession, there was a flight of capital from emerging markets, including India, as investors sought safer assets. This led to a reduction in foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign institutional investments (FIIs) into the country, causing volatility in the Indian stock markets.
  4. Banking and Finance: India’s banking sector experienced some stress due to the global financial crisis. While Indian banks were not heavily exposed to subprime mortgages like some Western banks, they faced challenges in managing the impact of the economic slowdown on businesses and borrowers.
  5. Government Measures: To counter the effects of the global recession, the Indian government introduced stimulus packages and implemented policy measures to boost domestic demand and support key industries. Various sectors, including infrastructure, housing, and agriculture, received government support.
  6. Job Market: The economic slowdown resulted in a slowdown in job creation and increased unemployment in certain sectors. This had social and political ramifications, with a growing focus on job creation and employment generation becoming a priority for policymakers.
  7. Poverty and Inequality: The impact of the recession was felt disproportionately across different sections of society. Vulnerable populations, particularly those dependent on informal or low-skilled employment, were hit harder, leading to an increase in poverty and income inequality.

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Despite facing challenges, India managed to weather the global recession relatively well compared to some other economies. The country’s large domestic market, diverse economy, and policy responses helped in mitigating the impact of the crisis. In the years following the recession, India resumed its growth trajectory, and its economy continued to expand at a significant pace.


India’s Strategy against Global Recession 2008

During the global recession of 2008, India implemented several strategies to mitigate the impact of the crisis on its economy. While India was not as severely affected as some other countries, it still faced significant challenges due to its integration into the global economy.

India's Strategy against Global Recession 2008
India’s Strategy against Global Recession 2008

The Indian government adopted a mix of fiscal and monetary measures to stimulate economic growth and maintain stability during that period. Some key strategies included:

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  1. Fiscal Stimulus Package: The Indian government introduced a significant fiscal stimulus package to boost domestic demand and support economic activities. This involved increased public spending on infrastructure projects, social welfare schemes, and various economic sectors to create jobs and generate economic activity.
  2. Monetary Policy Measures: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) implemented a series of monetary policy measures to ensure sufficient liquidity in the financial system and support credit flow to businesses and consumers. This included reducing interest rates and easing lending norms for banks.
  3. Support for Exporters: Given the slowdown in global demand, the Indian government provided support to exporters by offering financial incentives and promoting export-oriented industries to maintain foreign exchange earnings.
  4. Financial Sector Reforms: India took steps to strengthen its financial system and prevent systemic risks. The government and RBI introduced measures to recapitalize banks and enhance the regulatory framework to improve transparency and accountability in the financial sector.
  5. Employment Generation: The government launched several programs to generate employment opportunities and enhance livelihoods, particularly in rural areas. This was aimed at reducing the impact of the recession on vulnerable sections of the population.
  6. Attracting Foreign Investment: India continued to promote itself as an attractive investment destination, encouraging foreign direct investment (FDI) in various sectors. This helped bring in capital and technology, supporting economic growth.
  7. Emphasis on Domestic Consumption: To reduce reliance on external demand, the government encouraged domestic consumption through various policies and schemes to boost consumer spending.
  8. Reforms and Deregulation: India used the opportunity to push for economic reforms and deregulation to improve the ease of doing business and attract more investment.

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Overall, India’s strategy against the global recession of 2008 focused on stimulating domestic demand, maintaining financial stability, and attracting foreign investment while ensuring social welfare and employment generation. These measures, along with the country’s resilience and large domestic market, played a role in helping India navigate through the global economic downturn with relatively less severe consequences.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Many economists anticipate a recession to take place during the latter part of the year. They believe that the impact of the Federal Reserve's elevated interest rates will be more strongly experienced by both consumers and businesses as time progresses.

Based on the Recession Probabilities Worldwide 2023 report, India is projected to have no chance of experiencing a recession this year. In contrast, the UK and US have relatively higher probabilities of 75% and 65% respectively of facing an economic downturn. India is leading in terms of real GDP growth with a substantial 5.9% annual percentage change, while the US has a growth rate of 1.6% and Canada follows closely with 1.5% real GDP growth.

विश्वव्यापी मंदी आंकड़े 2023 के अनुसार, इस साल भारत के पास मंदी का 0% संभावना है, जबकि यूके और यूएस के पास मंदी के 75% और 65% के चांस हैं। भारत पहले स्थान पर है जिसमें 5.9% वास्तविक जीडीपी (वार्षिक प्रतिशत बदलाव) है, जबकि यूएस के पास 1.6% वास्तविक जीडीपी विकास है और कनाडा 1.5% के साथ इसका पालन करता है।

According to Vanguard economists' mid-year forecast, there is a strong chance of a recession, and they believe it's increasingly likely that it might be postponed from 2023 to 2024. Similarly, JPMorgan Chase economists mentioned in a recent note that a synchronized global downturn could occur sometime during 2024.

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