List of International Treaties, Agreements and Conventions

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Explore international treaties, agreements, and conventions with signing years and descriptions that shape global policies, plus India's ratified conventions

List of International Treaties, Agreements and Conventions

International Treaties and Agreements: In our interconnected world, International Treaties and Agreements are essential for promoting global cooperation, peace, and progress. These treaties are the formal arrangements between countries that govern everything from human rights and environmental protection to economic trade and defence collaborations. Countries ratify and approve these agreements while committing to global standards and jointly addressing cross-border challenges. In this comprehensive and informative guidepost, we have included some of the most important international treaties and a list of conventions and agreements ratified by India to understand their impact on the world stage.

What Are International Treaties and Agreements?

International treaties and agreements are formal arrangements between two or more nations, setting forth obligations, rights, and cooperation on issues of shared interest or global significance. These agreements are foundational to the international legal framework, helping to regulate various aspects of relations between countries, from trade and security to environmental protection and human rights.

Treaties are legally binding commitments often ratified by national governments, creating enforceable duties in areas such as disarmament, climate action, and humanitarian rights. Examples include the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and the Paris Agreement.

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Agreements, on the other hand, can be less formal and binding than treaties, typically involving specific terms and conditions in areas like trade partnerships or scientific cooperation. Some agreements may not require ratification but still carry significant diplomatic importance, such as Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs).

Definitions and Differences

  1. Agreements
    • Definition: A broad term referring to a formal arrangement between two or more parties, which may or may not be legally binding.
    • Difference: Can include treaties, MoUs, or contracts; focuses on mutual understanding and cooperation.
    • Binding: Depends on terms; often binding if legally formalized.
    • Ratification: May or may not require ratification.
  2. Charters
    • Definition: A formal document defining the purpose, rights, and obligations of an organization or institution.
    • Difference: Establishes institutions or foundational principles, such as the UN Charter.
    • Binding: Typically binding for members.
    • Ratification: Usually requires ratification by signatories.
  3. Conventions
    • Definition: International agreements addressing specific issues, often negotiated under international organizations (e.g., Geneva Conventions).
    • Difference: Broader in scope and designed for widespread international adherence.
    • Binding: Binding upon ratification.
    • Ratification: Requires formal ratification to become binding.
  4. Declarations
    • Definition: Non-binding statements outlining principles or intentions, often adopted at summits (e.g., Universal Declaration of Human Rights).
    • Difference: Expresses political commitment rather than legal obligation.
    • Binding: Non-binding unless codified into law or treaty.
    • Ratification: Not required as it is not legally binding.
  5. Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs)
    • Definition: A formal but non-legally binding agreement outlining mutual intentions or cooperation between parties.
    • Difference: Focused on understanding and goodwill, not enforceable by law.
    • Binding: Generally non-binding unless explicitly stated otherwise.
    • Ratification: Not required.
  6. Protocols
    • Definition: A supplement or amendment to an existing treaty or agreement, often addressing additional details or procedures.
    • Difference: Adds specificity or updates existing agreements (e.g., Kyoto Protocol).
    • Binding: Binding upon ratification.
    • Ratification: Requires ratification by signatories.
  7. Treaties
    1. Definition: A formal, legally binding agreement between sovereign states or international organizations under international law.
    2. Difference: Explicitly binding with clear legal obligations.
    3. Binding: Legally binding upon ratification.
    4. Ratification: Requires formal ratification by the involved parties.
  8. Signatories and Parties
    • Signatories: States or entities that sign an agreement but have not yet ratified it. Signing indicates intent to comply but does not make it binding.
    • Parties: States or entities that have ratified the agreement, making it legally binding.

Binding Nature and Ratification Requirements

Type Binding Nature Requires Ratification
Agreements Depends on terms Sometimes
Charters Binding for members Yes
Conventions Binding upon ratification Yes
Declarations Non-binding No
MoUs Generally non-binding No
Protocols Binding upon ratification Yes
Treaties Legally binding Yes

List of International Treaties, Agreements and Conventions

International treaties, agreements, and conventions have shaped global policies and fostered cooperation across diverse fields such as peace, environmental protection, trade, human rights, etc. Here is a list of some of the important international treaties, agreements and conventions that have had a significant impact on international relations and global practices:

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Other Notable International Treaties and Agreements
Year Name of Treaty/Convention Description
1919 Treaty of Versailles Ended WWI; imposed heavy reparations on Germany, leading to geopolitical changes.
1920 Treaty of Trianon Redrew boundaries in Central Europe; significant for understanding European history post-WWI.
1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact An international agreement attempting to prevent war as a means of resolving disputes.
1945 United Nations Charter Established the United Nations, aimed at preventing future wars and fostering cooperation.
1947 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Predecessor to WTO, significant in understanding international trade agreements.
1949 North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) Formed a military alliance between North American and European nations to counter Soviet influence.
1951 Genocide Convention Defined genocide in legal terms and committed signatories to preventing and punishing it.
1959 Antarctic Treaty System Established Antarctica as a scientific preserve, banned military activity on the continent.
1960 Indus Waters Treaty India-Pakistan treaty, significant for regional water-sharing agreements.
1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) Aims to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and promote disarmament.
1971 Ramsar Convention International treaty for the conservation of wetlands, relevant to environmental protection.
1972 Biological Weapons Convention Prohibits the development, production, and stockpiling of biological weapons.
1985 Schengen Agreement Removed border controls within Europe, establishing free movement of people within the EU.
1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) US-Soviet treaty to eliminate intermediate-range nuclear and conventional missiles.
1989 Montreal Protocol A global agreement to protect the ozone layer by phasing out substances causing ozone depletion.
1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Established framework for addressing climate change; led to the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement.
1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Established a trilateral trade bloc between the US, Canada, and Mexico.
1997 Kyoto Protocol International treaty aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions; foundational for climate policy.
2000 United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime Combats organized crime, including human trafficking and smuggling.

2000 Cotonou Agreement Economic and political relations between EU and ACP countries.
2001 Treaty of Nice EU institutional reforms, laying groundwork for further expansion.
2001 Convention on Cybercrime First international treaty on internet and computer crime.
2002 ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution Addressing air pollution affecting Southeast Asia.
2003 WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Global response to the tobacco epidemic.
2005 Energy Community Treaty Integrates EU energy market with South East Europe.
2007 Treaty of Lisbon Major reforms to EU structures and decision-making processes.
2008 UNASUR Constitutive Treaty Formation of the Union of South American Nations.
2010 Nagoya Protocol Aims at fair sharing of genetic resources’ benefits.
2015 Paris Agreement Landmark international accord to combat climate change.
2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Legally binding prohibition of nuclear weapons.
2018 Prespa Agreement Resolved the naming dispute between Greece and North Macedonia.
2019 Treaty of Aachen Strengthening Franco-German cooperation in EU policies.
2020 Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan The peace agreement between the U.S. and the Taliban.
2022 Ethiopia–Tigray Peace Agreement Ended conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray region.
2023 Treaty of Jeddah (2023) Facilitated a week-long ceasefire in the 2023 Sudan conflict but expired two days after the signing due to a sudden surge in hostilities.

List of International Treaties and Conventions Ratified by India

India, as a member of the global community, has ratified many treaties that address human rights, environmental protection, and trade. Here is a list of conventions and agreements ratified by India that highlight its commitment to international cooperation:

Sl. No. Name of the Convention/Treaty/Agreement Date of Accession/Ratification Entry into Force Significance and Focus
1 WIPO Convention January 31, 1975 May 1, 1975 Establishes India’s membership in WIPO, enhancing global intellectual property cooperation.
2 Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property September 7, 1998 December 7, 1998 Protects industrial property (patents, trademarks) internationally, promoting innovation and trade.
3 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works April 23, 1928 April 1, 1928 Ensures copyright protection for creators, facilitating the global exchange of creative works.
4 Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms September 17, 2001 December 17, 2001 Simplifies patenting processes for microorganisms, boosting biotechnological research and innovation.
5 Nairobi Treaty on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol September 19, 1983 October 19, 1983 Protects the Olympic symbol to preserve its integrity and prevent unauthorized commercial use.
6 Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) September 7, 1998 December 7, 1998 Streamlines the international patent application process, supporting Indian inventors in global markets.
7 Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms November 1, 1974 February 12, 1975 Protects against unauthorized duplication of phonograms, aiding Indian producers and artists.
8 Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement April 8, 2013 July 8, 2013 Facilitates international registration of trademarks, benefiting Indian brands abroad.
9 Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for the Blind June 24, 2014 September 30, 2016 Improves access to published works for visually impaired individuals, promoting inclusivity.
10 WIPO Copyright Treaty September 25, 2018 December 25, 2018 Provides copyright protections in the digital environment, supporting Indian creators online.
11 WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty September 25, 2018 December 25, 2018 Protects performances and phonograms in digital media, benefiting Indian musicians and performers.
12 Nice Agreement concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services June 7, 2019 September 7, 2019 Standardizes trademark classification, aiding Indian businesses in global trademark registration.
13 Locarno Agreement establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs June 7, 2019 September 7, 2019 Facilitates the classification of industrial designs, promoting Indian industrial creativity abroad.
14 Vienna Agreement establishing an International Classification of Figurative Elements June 7, 2019 September 7, 2019 Standardizes figurative element classification in trademarks, supporting India’s IP protection globally.

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UN Conventions India Has Not Signed or Ratified

While India is a part of many United Nations conventions and agreements, still there are a few notable International Treaties and Agreements that it has either not signed or has signed but not ratified.

UN Conventions India Has Not Signed or Ratified
SI No. Name of the Convention Status of Signature Status of Ratification
1 Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages. New York, 10 December 1962 Not Signed
2 Convention on the International Right of Correction. New York, 31 March 1953 Not Signed
3 International Convention Against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries. New York, 4 December 1989 Not Signed
4 Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel. New York, 9 December 1994 Not Signed
5 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel. New York, 8 December 2005 Not Signed
6 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Rome, 17 July 1998 Not Signed
7 Amendment to Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Kampala, 10 June 2010 Not Signed
8 Amendments on the crime of aggression to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Kampala, 11 June 2010 Not Signed
9 Amendment to article 124 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The Hague, 26 November 2015 Not Signed
10 Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court. New York, 9 September 2002 Not Signed
11 International Agreement on Olive Oil, 1956. Geneva, 17 October 1955, and New York, 15 November 1955 Not Signed
12 Protocol amending the International Agreement on Olive Oil, 1956. Geneva, 31 March 1958 and 3 April 1958 Not Signed

13 Convention on the Nationality of Married Women. New York, 20 February 1957 Signed on 15 May 1957 Not Ratified
14 United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property. New York, 2 December 2004 Signed on 12 January 2007 Not Ratified
15 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. New York, 10 December 1984 Signed on 14 October 1997 Not Ratified
16 International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. New York, 20 December 2006 Signed on 6 February 2007 Not Ratified
17 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the Protocol amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961. New York, 8 August 1975 Signed on 14 December 1978 Not Ratified
18 International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations. Rome, 26 October 1961 Signed on 26 October 1961 Not Ratified
19 Agreement governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. New York, 5 December 1979 Signed on 18 January 1982 Not Ratified
20 Minamata Convention on Mercury. Kumamoto, 10 October 2013 Signed on 30 September 2014 Not Ratified

Source: Ministry of External Affairs

To get more information on the List of United Nations Conventions Protocols & Agreements India has not Signed, or Signed but not Ratified, click on the link below:

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International Treaties and Agreements are required for promoting global cooperation and solving transnational issues. From disarmament and human rights to environmental protection and trade, treaties provide the legal foundation for a stable and peaceful world. India’s participation in various treaties highlights its commitment to international cooperation and development. As global challenges evolve, the role of these treaties will continue to be pivotal in shaping a just, prosperous, and sustainable world.

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International Treaties and Agreements FAQs

International treaties are formal, legally binding documents between nations, while agreements may be informal and less binding.

The Paris Agreement is a well-known international treaty focused on reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.

The three types include bilateral treaties (between two countries), multilateral treaties (many nations), and plurilateral treaties (a subset of countries).

These treaties help maintain global peace, promote human rights, and address issues like trade and environmental protection.

Countries sign and then formally ratify treaties through legislative approval or executive action to become legally binding.

India has ratified conventions like CEDAW, the Paris Agreement, and ICCPR, supporting global cooperation in human rights and environmental protection.

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