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The Branches of Geography: Human Geography, Physical Geography, Biogeography

November 25, 2023 9503 0

Exploring Earth’s Facets Through the Branches of Geography

Geography is a multifaceted field, with several distinct branches of Geography, each focusing on specific aspects of our planet. These branches  of Geography include physical geography, human geography, and environmental geography. Each branch explores diverse aspects of Earth’s landscapes, societies, and environmental processes.

Geography as an interdisciplinary subject: Revealing Systemic and Regional Approaches in Geography Studies

  • The study of every subject is done according to some Approach. The major approaches to study geography have been (i) Systematic and (ii) Regional.
  • Systemic Geography approach: This approach was introduced by Alexander Von Humboldt, a German geographer (1769-1859). 
    • In systematic approach (Refer Figure 1.2), a phenomenon is studied world over as a whole, and then the identification of typologies or spatial patterns is done.
    • For example, if one is interested in studying natural vegetation, the study will be done at the world level as a first step.

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  • Regional Geography approach: It was developed by another German geographer and a contemporary of Humboldt, Karl Ritter (1779-1859). 
    • In the regional approach, the world is divided into regions at different hierarchical levels and then all the geographical phenomena in a particular region are studied. 
    • These regions may be natural, political or designated regions. The phenomena in a region are studied in a holistic manner searching for unity in diversity.
  • Dualism in Geography: One of the main characteristics of geography is Dualism, it depended on the aspect emphasised in the study. 
    • Earlier scholars laid emphasis on physical geography. But human beings are an integral part of the earth’s surface. 
    • They are part and parcel of nature. 
    • Thus, developed human geography with emphasis on human activities.

Branches og Geography

Branches of Geography (Based on Systemic Approach) 

One of the branches of geography: Physical Geography exploring Geomorphology, climatology, Hydrology, Soil Geography

  • Geomorphology: It is devoted to the study of landforms, their evolution and related processes.
  • Climatology: It encompasses the study of structure of atmosphere and elements of weather and climates and climatic types and regions.
  • Hydrology: It studies the realm of water over the surface of the earth including oceans, lakes, rivers and other water bodies and its effect on different life forms including human life and their activities.
  • Soil Geography: It  is devoted to study the processes of soil formation, soil types, their fertility status, distribution and use.

One of the branches of geography: Human Geography exploring Social, Economic, History, Political Geography

  • Social/Cultural Geography:  It encompasses the study of society and its spatial dynamics as well as the cultural elements contributed by the society.
  • Population and Settlement Geography (Rural and Urban): It studies population growth, distribution, density, sex ratio, migration and occupational structure etc. 
    • Settlement geography studies the characteristics of rural and urban settlements.
  • Economic Geography: It studies economic activities of the people including agriculture, industry, tourism, trade, and transport, infrastructure and services, etc.
  • Historical Geography: It studies the  historical processes through which the space gets organised.
  • Political Geography: It looks at space from the viewpoint of political events and studies boundaries, space relations between neighbouring political units, delimitation of constituencies, election scenarios and develops a theoretical framework to understand the political behaviour of the population.


One of the branches of geography: Biogeography exploring Plant, Zoo, Ecology, Environmental Geography

The interface between physical geography and human geography has led to the development of Biogeography which includes:

  • Plant Geography: It studies the spatial pattern of natural vegetation.
  • Zoo Geography: It studies the spatial patterns and geographic characteristics of animals and their habitats.
  • Ecology/ Ecosystem: It deals with the scientific study of habitat characteristics of species.
  • Environmental Geography: This subfield focuses on the interactions between human activities and the environment, including issues related to environmental degradation, conservation, pollution, and sustainability.

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Branches of Geography (Based on Regional Approach)

Branches of Geography (Based on Regional Approach)

  • Regional Studies/Area Studies: Comprises Macro, Meso and Micro Regional Studies.
  • Regional Planning: Comprises Country/Rural and Town/ Urban Planning.
  • Regional Development/

Regional Analysis has two aspects which are common to this discipline, these are:

(i) Philosophy

  • Geographical Thought
  • Land and Human Interaction/ Human Ecology

(ii) Methods and Techniques

  • Cartography including Computer Cartography
  • Quantitative Techniques/Statistical Techniques
  • Field Survey Methods
  • Geo-informatics comprising techniques such as Remote Sensing, GIS, GPS, etc
  • Dynamic Nature of Geographic Disciplines: The above classification gives a comprehensive format of the branches of geography. 
    • But this format is not static. 
    • Any discipline is bound to grow with new ideas, problems, methods and techniques.
  • Impact of Technology on Geography: New technology has enabled scholars to handle large quantities of data. 
    • The internet provides extensive information
    • Thus, the capacity to attempt analysis has increased tremendously.
    • GIS has further opened vistas of knowledge. 
    • GPS has become a handy tool to find out exact locations. 
    • Technologies have enhanced the capacity of attempting synthesis with sound theoretical understanding.                                                                                                                                                                       

Exploring the Significance of Physical Geography: Understanding Earth’s Natural Environment and Its Impact on Human Life

  • Importance: Physical geography is of paramount importance as it provides a foundational understanding of the earth’s natural environment and its interactions with human society. 
    • Physical geography includes the study of Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere and Biosphere. 
  • Soils are formed through the process of Pedogenesis
    • Time provides maturity to soils and helps in the development of soil profiles. 
    • Soils are important for all biological activity as they support micro-organisms and plants and animals. 
  • Landforms provide the base for human activities like plains are used for agriculture, mountains provide pastures, forests, tourist spots etc. 
  • Climate influences our lifestyle, clothing, and food habits. 
    • It also impacts vegetation of an area. 
  • Temperature and precipitation ensure forest density and quality of agriculture and grasslands.

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The knowledge is fundamental for addressing environmental challenges, such as climate change, deforestation, and habitat loss. Understanding of Physical geography is essential for sustainable development and better resource management. Physical geography’s importance lies in its   contribution to environmental conservation, resource management, disaster preparedness, scientific advancement, and informed decision-making. It plays a pivotal role in addressing global challenges and improving the quality of life on Earth.


  • Meteorology: It is the study of weather and climate.
  • Demography: It is the scientific study of the changing number of births, deaths, diseases, etc. in a community over a period of time.
  • Pedology: It is the branch of science concerned with the formation, nature, ecology, and classification of soil; soil science.
  • Areal Differentiation: It refers to the study of regional differences in human geography. It involves analyzing the characteristics and processes that shape the physical and cultural landscapes of different regions.

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