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Evolution of the Earth: Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Hydrosphere

November 25, 2023 9799 0

Evolution of the Earth: A Journey of Billion Years

The evolution of the Earth is a captivating journey spanning billions of years, encompassing dramatic transformations in its physical, chemical, and biological composition. Over this extensive timeline, our planet has witnessed the emergence of continents, oceans, and diverse life forms, shaping its current state. The study of  evolution of the earth offers profound insights into the dynamic processes that have sculpted our world and the intricate interplay of natural forces that continue to shape its future.

  • The Early Earth: Initially, the planet earth was a barren, rocky and hot object with a thin atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. 
  • Transformation and Evolution of the earth: The period, between 4,600 million years and the present, led to the evolution of life along with evolution of the earth, making it a beautiful planet with ample amount of water and conducive atmosphere from rocky, barren and hot earth. 
  • Layered Earth Structure: The earth has a layered structure from the outermost end of the atmosphere to the centre of the earth.  The material is not uniform throughout. 
  • Atmospheric Composition: The matter of the atmosphere has the least density
  • Diverse Earth Interior Zones: The earth’s interior has different zones from the surface to core and each of these contains materials with different characteristics. 

The interior layers of the earth

Evolution of the earth: Formation of Lithosphere from volatile to stable state

  • Formation of the Lithosphere: Lithosphere is the solid, outer part of the earth. 
  • During the primordial stage the earth was mostly in a volatile state. 
  • Temperature and Density Changes: The  temperature increased due to gradual increase in density. 
  • As a result the material inside started getting separated depending on their densities for ex. heavier materials (like iron) sinked towards the centre and the lighter ones  moved towards the surface of the earth. 
  • Solidification and Crust Formation: With passage of time it cooled further and solidified and condensed into a smaller size which later led to the development of the outer surface in the form of a crust. 
  • Formation of the Moon and Differentiation: During the formation of the moon, due to the giant impact, the earth was further heated up and through the process of differentiation, the earth forming material got separated into different layers (Refer Figure 2.2).

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Evolution of Lithosphere

Evolution of The Earth: Atmosphere and Oceans

  • Evolution of the Earth’s Atmosphere: The present composition of earth’s atmosphere is mainly nitrogen and oxygen. 
  • There are three stages in the evolution of the earth’s present atmosphere:
    1. The loss of primordial atmosphere
    2. The hot interior contributed to the evolution of the earth’s atmosphere. 
    3. The composition of the atmosphere was modified by the living world through the process of photosynthesis
  • Early Atmosphere Composition: The early atmosphere of earth, with hydrogen and helium, and all the terrestrial planets with their primordial atmosphere were supposed to have been lost through the impact of solar winds.
    • During the cooling of the earth, gases and water vapour were released from the interior solid earth by the process called degassing which started the evolution of the earth’s present atmosphere. 
    • The early atmosphere largely contained water vapour, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia and very little of free oxygen
    • Continuous volcanic eruptions contributed water vapour and gases to the atmosphere. 
    • As the earth cooled, the water vapour released started getting condensed. 
  • Volcanic Eruptions and Water Vapor: The carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere got dissolved in rainwater and the temperature further decreased causing more condensation and more rains. 
  • Formation of Oceans: The rainwater got collected in the depressions to give rise to oceans and were formed within 500 million years from the formation of the earth (i.e. oceans are 4,000 million years old). 
  • Evolution of Life: Life began to evolve, sometime around 3,800 million years ago. 
  • Development of Photosynthesis: However, the process of photosynthesis evolved, around 2,500-3,000 million years ago. 
    • Life was confined to the oceans for a long time and oceans began to have the contribution of oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. 
  • Oxygen Contribution: Eventually, oceans were saturated with oxygen, and around 2,000 million years ago, oxygen began to flood the atmosphere. 

Evolution of Hydrosphere

Evolution of Atmosphere

Evolution of The Earth: Atmosphere and Oceans

Evolution of the earth: Tracing the Origin and Evolution of Life 

  • Origin and Evolution of Life: The origin and evolution of life is the last phase in the evolution of the earth. Initially the earth or even the atmosphere of the earth was not conducive for the development of life. 
  • Chemical Origins of Life: Modern scientists refer to the origin of life as a chemical reaction, which first generated complex organic molecules and assembled them. 
  • Duplication and Transition to Life: This assemblage could duplicate themselves converting inanimate matter into living substance. 
  • Record of Life in Fossils: The record of life that existed on earth in different periods is found in rocks in the form of fossils. 
  • Ancient Evidence of Life: The microscopic structures closely related to the present form of blue algae have been found in geological formations much older than some 3,000 million years. 
  • So, it can be assumed that life began to evolve sometime 3,800 million years ago (Refer Table 2.1).

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