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April 24, 2024 1043 0
Buddhist Councils were gatherings of Buddhist monks to preserve and clarify teachings after Gautama Buddha’s passing. The councils aimed to codify scriptures, resolve disputes, and maintain doctrinal purity, ensuring the propagation of Buddhism.
1st Buddhist Council
(483 BC) (just after Buddha’s death) |
Sattapani cave at Rajagriha | Ajatashatru | Maha Kassapa | Upali recited Vinay Pitaka;
Ananda recited Sutta Pitaka. |
2nd Buddhist Council
(383 BC) (a century after Buddha’s death) |
Vaishali | Kalashoka | Sabbakami | The Buddhist order split into Sthaviravadin (Believers in the Teachings of the Elders) and the Mahasamghika (Members of the Great Community). |
3rd Buddhist Council
(250 BC) |
Ashoka | Moggaliputta-Tissa | The last section, called “Kathavatthu”, was added to Abhidhamma Pitaka.
Sthaviravadins established themselves firmly and expelled the heretics. |
4th Buddhist Council
(72 AD) |
Kundalvana, Srinagar | Kanishka |
Commentaries on Pitaka were written.
Sarvastivadin doctrines were compiled in Mahavibhasa. Division of Buddhism into Mahayana & Hinayana. |
Buddha taught orally, and none of the Buddha’s speeches were written down during his lifetime. |
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