Chalukyan Temples: Architectural Marvels of South India

April 18, 2024 1569 0


Chalukyan temples, dating back to the 6th to 12th centuries, exhibit architectural excellence in South India. They showcase intricate carvings, towering vimanas, and elaborate sculptures, reflecting Chalukyan artistic prowess.

Important Characteristics of Chalukyan Temples

  • Founder: Pulakesin I founded the western Chalukya kingdom around Badami in 543 CE.
  • Chalukyas: The early western Chalukyas dominated most of the Deccan until the mid-eighth century, eventually succeeded by the Rashtrakutas.
  • Architect: In Karnataka, the western Chalukyas blended various styles, leading to experimental hybrid vesara architecture.
  • Evolved Structures: Early Chalukyan architecture activity included rock-cut caves, which evolved into structural temples.
  • Ravana Phadi Cave: At Aihole showcases a distinctive sculptural style, featuring a significant depiction of Nataraja surrounded by larger-than-life saptamatrikas, characterized by graceful, slim bodies and unique attire details.
  • Hybridised Style: Chalukyan buildings showcase a hybridization of styles, with the Virupaksha temple at Pattadakal being a notable example, exhibiting elaborate Dravida tradition.

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Key Temples

Chalukyan temple

  • Aihole
    • The Ravana Phadi cave showcases a distinctive sculptural style, featuring a significant depiction of Nataraja surrounded by larger-than-life saptamatrikas.
    • The Lad Khan temple in Karnataka is inspired by wooden-roofed hill temples but constructed entirely in stone.
    • The Durga temple at Aihole is unique, with an early apsidal shrine reminiscent of Buddhist chaitya halls with a stylistic nagara shikhara.
    • Huccimalligudi temple is rectangular in shape.
    • Megudi Jain temple was constructed under the Chalukyas. It has Sanskrit inscription (634-635 AD) composed by  poet Ravikriti which is a prashasti of the Chalukyas especially the reigning king Pulikesin II, referred to as Sathyasraya (the abode of truth). It highlights the history of the dynasty, defeat of all his enemies, especially Harshavardhana
    •  The mandapa-type caves are preserved at Aihole.
  • Badami (Vatapi)
    • There are four cave temples in Badami. Two temples are dedicated to Vishnu and one each to Siva and to the Jaina Tirthankaras. 
    • The largest cave temple built by Mangalesa is dedicated to Vishnu. The reclining posture of Vishnu on the snake bed and Narasimha are exquisite examples of Chalukya art.
  • Pattadakal
    • Pattadakal was a centre for performing royal rituals. 
    • The Virupaksha temple was built at the order of Queen Lohamahadevi to commemorate the conquest of Kanchipuram by her husband Vikramaditya II
      • The Chalukyas here adopted the distinctive characteristic of the temple constructed by Rajasimha at Mamallapuram. 
      • The east porch of the Virupaksha temple has a Kannada inscription eulogising the architect who designed the temple who was given the title Tribhuavacharya (maker of the three worlds).
    • The Papnath temple at Pattadakal is dedicated to Lord Shiva and exemplifies the Dravida tradition.
    • Eastern Chalukyan temples, like Mahakuta and Swarga Brahma temples, show the assimilation of northern styles from Odisha and Rajasthan.

Must Read

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Upsc Notes  Upsc Blogs 
NCERT Notes  Free Main Answer Writing


  • Chalukyan temples stand as majestic testaments to South Indian architecture, blending innovation with tradition. 
    • Their intricate beauty and cultural significance endure, captivating visitors with their timeless charm and spiritual grandeur.
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