All About Seals of Indus Valley Civilization

April 12, 2024 3077 0


Seals of Indus Valley Civilization are iconic artifacts, showcasing intricate designs and script. They offer glimpses into ancient trade, religion, and administrative systems, enriching our understanding of early civilizations.

Description of Seals

  • Pictographic Script: The standard Harappan seal was a square plaque, usually made of steatite and engraved with a pictographic script, which is yet to be deciphered.
  • While most of the seals are square, it was found that triangular, rectangular, circular and cylindrical seals were also being used.
    • Other materials used in making seals of Indus Valley Civilization were agate, chert, faience, terracotta, gold, ivory and copper.
  • Figures on seals: Generally, they had an animal or human figure on one side and an inscription on the opposite side or inscriptions on both sides. 
  • Animal Figures: Include the Unicorn Bull, Rhinoceros, Tiger, Elephant, Bison, Goat, Buffalo etc. However, there was no evidence of cow breed on the seals. 

Use of Seals

  • Seals of Indus Valley Civilization were used by different guilds or merchants and traders for stamping purposes.
  • It appears that the seals were also used as amulets, carried by their owners, perhaps as modern-day identity cards.

Pashupati Seal

  • It is a steatite seal discovered at Mohenjo-Daro. It depicts a human figure or a deity sitting cross-legged (seated figure of a Yogi).
  • An elephant and a tiger are depicted on the right side of the seated figure, while on the left, a rhinoceros and a buffalo can be seen. Below the seat, two antelopes are shown.
  • This seal may shed light on the religion of the Harappan age
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  • The seals of Indus Valley Civilization serve as invaluable historical records, shedding light on the complex socio-economic and cultural dynamics of an ancient civilization that flourished thousands of years ago.
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