UPSC Psychology Optional Paper 2024 PDFs Out, Download Now!

Gaurav Soni October 12, 2024 01:05 23381 0

UPSC Psychology Optional Paper 2024 PDFs are now available for Paper I & Paper II. Find the direct link to download Psychology question papers from here.

UPSC Psychology Optional Paper 2024 PDFs Out, Download Now!

UPSC Psychology Optional Paper 2024: Among the various optional subjects offered by UPSC, Psychology is one of the 48 choices available to candidates. Optional paper consists of two papers, Paper I and Paper II, each carries a weightage of 250 marks, summing up to a total of 500 marks for this optional subject. The UPSC Civil Services Mains Optional Subject-Paper-1 (Paper-VIII) and Paper-2 (Paper-IX) were conducted on September 29, 2024, in the morning and afternoon shifts respectively. Find the direct link to download UPSC Psychology Optional question paper 2024 PDFs from here.

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UPSC Psychology Optional Question Paper 2024 PDF

Once the exam is successfully conducted, UPSC will release the question papers on its official website a few days after the exam. However, UPSC Psychology 2024 Question Paper PDF for Paper I is now available here. Candidates can also find the download link for the UPSC Psychology Optional Question Paper 2024 here once the exam is over:

Question Paper Download PDF
UPSC Psychology Optional Paper-I Click Here
UPSC Psychology Optional Paper-II Click Here

UPSC Mains Psychology Optional Paper 2024 Overview

The UPSC Mains Psychology Optional Paper for 2024 is scheduled for 29th September 2024, divided into two shifts. Psychology Paper 1 took place in the first shift from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, while Psychology Paper 2 was scheduled for the second shift from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. The optional subject carries significant weight, accounting for 25% of the total marks. For a better understanding of the Psychology Optional specifics, please refer to the table below:

Psychology Optional UPSC 2024
Particulars Details
Exam Name UPSC Civil Services Exam
Optional Papers in UPSC Mains Exam 2 Papers
Optional Paper I Psychology Optional Paper-I
Optional Paper II Psychology Optional Paper-II
Optional Weightage 25% of the total marks of the Written Exam and Personality Test
Total Optional Subjects in the UPSC CSE Exam 48 Subjects
Psychology Optional Psychology Optional Paper-I and Paper-II
Total Marks in Optional 500 Marks (250 marks each)

UPSC Psychology Optional Paper Previous Year Paper Download

UPSC Psychology Optional Question Papers from 2018 to 2023 are readily available for aspirants seeking to enhance their preparation. Solving past year papers allows aspirants to practice and gauge their performance, helping them identify areas that need improvement. We provide access to the UPSC Psychology optional question papers in PDF format, an invaluable resource for your preparation.

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Psychology Optional Success Rate

Over the span of six years, from 2015 to 2020,  more than 1000 dedicated aspirants chose Psychology as their optional subject for the UPSC Civil Services Mains examination. The table below offers a comprehensive overview of the success rate achieved by candidates who opted for Psychology during this period:

UPSC Psychology Optional Success Rate
Year Number of Candidates with Psychology Optional Number of Candidates Selected Success Rate (%)
2020 155 11 7.1%
2019 164 15 9.1%
2018 128 9 7.0%
2017 193 21 10.9%
2016 244 38 15.6%

UPSC Psychology Optional Paper 1

Paper 1 of the UPSC Psychology Optional covers a wide array of topics, including the history of psychology, basic psychological processes, and developmental psychology. It evaluates candidates’ understanding of fundamental psychological theories and principles.

UPSC Psychology Optional Paper 2

Paper 2 of the UPSC Psychology Optional delves into the applied aspects of psychology. It covers topics such as psychological testing, clinical psychology, and counseling. This paper assesses candidates’ ability to apply psychological knowledge to real-world situations.

Psychology Optional Analysis

A thorough analysis of the UPSC Psychology Optional Paper reveals the need for a balanced approach between theoretical and practical aspects of psychology. Candidates must not only grasp the concepts but also understand how to apply them to various scenarios.

Psychology Optional Trend Analysis

Over the years, the trends in the UPSC Psychology Optional Paper have shown an increasing emphasis on the practical and applied aspects of psychology. Candidates should stay updated with these trends to tailor their preparation accordingly.


  • Psychology remains a steady choice among UPSC aspirants who have a genuine interest in the subject.
  • It attracts fewer candidates compared to some highly competitive optional subjects, which can be advantageous.

Scoring Trends

  • Psychology is known for being a scoring optional subject due to straightforward questions and a well-defined syllabus.

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Recent Changes and Trends

  • The syllabus has seen no major revisions in recent years.
  • Questions increasingly emphasize the practical application of psychology in real-life scenarios.
  • Interdisciplinary connections with other subjects, like ethics and sociology, have become more relevant.

Is Psychology Optional Scoring?

Yes, Psychology is generally considered a scoring optional subject in the UPSC Civil Services Examination. There are several reasons for this:
  1. Clarity of Concepts: The questions in the Psychology Optional Paper are usually clear and straightforward, making it easier for candidates to understand and answer them.
  2. Well-Defined Syllabus: The syllabus for Psychology is well-defined, and candidates can prepare effectively by covering all the essential topics.
  3. Limited Subjectivity: Unlike some other optional subjects, Psychology questions often have less subjectivity, reducing the chances of interpretation-related issues during evaluation.
  4. Scoring Potential in Paper II: Paper II, which deals with the practical application of psychology in real-life scenarios, often provides candidates with an opportunity to score well by relating psychological concepts to practical situations.
  5. Limited Competition: Compared to highly competitive optional subjects like Political Science or Geography, Psychology typically has fewer candidates, which can reduce the level of competition.

However, it’s important to note that scoring well in any optional subject, including Psychology, still requires thorough preparation, a deep understanding of the subject matter, and effective time management during the examination. Candidates should not underestimate the importance of consistent and comprehensive preparation to maximize their scores in the Psychology Optional Paper.

Why Opt for Psychology as an Optional Paper?

Candidates who choose Psychology as their optional subject do so for various reasons:

  1. Interest in Psychology: Many candidates have a genuine interest in the field of psychology and wish to delve deeper into its concepts and applications.
  2. Scoring Potential: Psychology is often regarded as a scoring-optional subject. The questions are generally clear-cut, and candidates who have a good grasp of the subject matter can score well.
  3. Interdisciplinary Nature: Psychology intersects with other subjects like sociology, ethics, and general studies, making it a useful subject for integrating knowledge across multiple areas of the UPSC syllabus.
  4. Reduced Competition: Compared to some other optional subjects, the number of candidates opting for Psychology is relatively lower, potentially reducing the level of competition.

Understanding UPSC Psychology Optional Success Rate

  1. Data Overview: UPSC and Other Competitive Exams: To gauge the success rate of psychology as an optional subject, it’s essential to examine data from various competitive exams, with a primary focus on the UPSC Civil Services Examination. The UPSC conducts the CSE, and candidates can choose psychology as an optional subject.
  2. UPSC Civil Services Examination: The UPSC CSE is one of the most prestigious and challenging exams in India, attracting thousands of aspirants each year. Success in this examination is a dream for many, and the optional subject plays a significant role in determining one’s ranking. Understanding the success rate of psychology in the UPSC CSE provides valuable insights into its popularity and effectiveness as an optional subject.

Significance of Choosing Psychology as an Optional Subject

Selecting Psychology as an optional subject for the UPSC Civil Services Examination can be a strategic choice for several reasons:

Interest and Background

If you have a genuine interest in the field of psychology or have a background in psychology-related studies, this optional subject can be an excellent choice. Your prior knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject will make the preparation process more enjoyable and effective.

Scoring Potential

Psychology has a reputation for being a scoring subject in the UPSC examination. The questions are generally straightforward, and the subject matter is well-defined. A thorough understanding of the topics can help you score well in this optional paper.

Interdisciplinary Nature

Psychology is an interdisciplinary subject, which means it overlaps with various other subjects like sociology, ethics, and even general studies. This can be advantageous as it can help you integrate your knowledge across multiple areas of the UPSC syllabus.

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Limited Competition

Compared to some other optional subjects, the number of candidates opting for Psychology is relatively low. This can work to your advantage as it may reduce the intensity of competition and increase your chances of securing a higher rank.

UPSC Psychology Optional Paper Syllabus

To excel in the UPSC Psychology Optional Paper, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the syllabus. The syllabus is divided into two papers: Paper I and Paper II.

Paper-I: Foundations of Psychology

This paper covers the foundational concepts in psychology, including:

  1. Introduction to Psychology
  2. Methods of Psychology
  3. Research Methods
  4. Development of Human Behavior
  5. Sensation and Perception
  6. Learning
  7. Memory
  8. Thinking and Problem Solving
  9. Motivation and Emotion
  10. Intelligence and Aptitude
  11. Personality
  12. Attitudes, Values, and Interests
  13. Language and Communication

Paper II: Psychology in Everyday Life

This paper focuses on the practical applications of psychology in real-life situations, including:

  1. Psychological Measurement
  2. Normal and Abnormal Behavior
  3. Therapeutic Approaches
  4. Human Development
  5. Psychological Disorders
  6. Health Psychology
  7. Environmental Psychology
  8. Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  9. Community Psychology
  10. Rehabilitation Psychology
  11. Psychology and Social Issues
  12. Psychology of Gender
  13. Psychology of Learning and Motivation

UPSC Psychology Optional Paper Preparation Strategies

Preparing for the UPSC Psychology Optional Paper requires a structured and comprehensive approach. Here are some strategies to help you succeed:

Understand the Syllabus

Begin by thoroughly understanding the syllabus for both Paper I and Paper-II. Create a checklist of topics to ensure you cover everything.

Study Material

Select reliable and comprehensive study materials, including textbooks, reference books, and online resources. Some popular books for Psychology optional include “Psychology” by Morgan and King, and “Psychology” by Robert A. Baron.

Consistent Study Routine

Create a consistent study routine that allows you to cover all the topics within a reasonable timeframe. Allocate sufficient time to each topic based on its weightage in the exam.

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Take Notes

Make concise and organized notes while studying. This will help in quick revision before the exam and aid in better retention of information.

Practice Previous Years’ Papers

Practice solving previous years’ question papers to get a sense of the exam pattern and types of questions asked. It will also help you manage time during the actual exam.

Join Coaching Classes (Optional)

Consider enrolling in coaching classes if you feel the need for expert guidance. Coaching classes can provide valuable insights, study materials, and mock tests.

UPSC Psychology Optional Paper Tips

To excel in the UPSC Psychology Optional Paper, keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Answer Concisely: Be clear and concise in your answers. Avoid unnecessary jargon and lengthy explanations.
  2. Diagrams and Illustrations: Use diagrams and illustrations whenever applicable to enhance your answers.
  3. Cite Research Studies: Whenever possible, support your answers with relevant psychological research studies to showcase a deep understanding of the subject.
  4. Practice Time Management: During the exam, manage your time efficiently. Allocate the appropriate amount of time to each question based on its marks.
  5. Revise Regularly: Consistent revision is essential. Revise the entire syllabus multiple times to ensure better retention.
  6. Stay Updated: Keep yourself updated with the latest developments and research in psychology. It can add depth to your answers.

UPSC Psychology Optional Paper FAQs

Yes, Psychology is regarded as a favorable choice for the UPSC Mains examination. It stands out as a subject where candidates can achieve impressive scores by focusing on fundamental concepts. Additionally, the success rate for candidates who opt for Psychology as their optional subject tends to be notably higher when compared to other available choices.

The success rate of optional subjects in the UPSC examination varies from year to year. According to UPSC data for the year 2019, certain optional subjects, including Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Anthropology, Management, Sociology, Economics, and Law, demonstrated the highest success rates among candidates.

The choice of the best book for the Psychology optional subject in UPSC exams may vary depending on individual preferences and study styles. However, some popular and recommended books for Psychology optional preparation include: "Psychology" by Robert A. Baron "Psychology" by Morgan and King It's advisable to supplement these core texts with additional reference books and study materials to comprehensively cover the syllabus and gain a deeper understanding of the subject.

Among the various optional subjects available for the UPSC exam, philosophy stands out for its concise syllabus, making it a favored choice among UPSC aspirants aiming for higher scores.

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