UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper 2024 PDF, Download Paper I & 2

Gaurav Soni October 12, 2024 06:20 21833 0

The UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper 2024 PDF link is now available for Paper I and II. Dive into detailed insights on UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper syllabus, PYQs, , & trends.

UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper 2024 PDF, Download Paper I & 2

UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper 2024: In the UPSC Mains exam, the Philosophy optional subject consists of two papers, specifically Paper I and Paper II. Each of these papers carries a weightage of 250 marks, summing up to a total of 500 marks for this optional subject. Among the various optional subjects offered by UPSC, Philosophy is one of the 48 choices available to candidates.

The Optional Subject-Paper-1 (Paper-VI) was conducted on September 29, 2024, in the morning shift, and Optional Subject-Paper-2 (Paper-VII) was held in the afternoon shift.  Delve into the UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper, its structure, and the trends surrounding it.

UPSC Philosophy 2024 Paper PDF Download

The UPSC Philosophy 2024 Paper PDF is now available for download for papers I and II after the exam is conducted. Aspirants can use these papers to gain insights into the types of questions asked and to refine their preparation strategies for future exams. The unofficial UPSC Philosophy Optional 2024 Question Paper PDF download link is available here:

Question Paper Download PDF
UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper-I Click Here
UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper-II Click Here

UPSC Philosophy 2024 Paper Overview

The UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper 2024 is highly anticipated by candidates who have opted for Philosophy as their optional subject in the UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam. This paper is known for its structured and conceptual nature, allowing candidates to present well-formed arguments on various philosophical topics. 

Philosophy Optional UPSC 2024

Particulars Details
Exam Name UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam
Optional Papers in UPSC Mains Exam 2 Papers
Optional Paper I Philosophy Optional Paper-I
Optional Paper II Philosophy Optional Paper-II
Optional Weightage 25% of the total marks of the Written Exam and Personality Test
Total Optional Subjects in the UPSC CSE Exam 48 Subjects
Total Marks in Optional 500 Marks (250 marks each)

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UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper Syllabus Download

The UPSC Mains Philosophy Optional Exam for 2024 is scheduled for September 29, 2024, with two sessions. Philosophy Paper 1 will be held during the morning session from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, followed by Philosophy Paper 2 in the afternoon session from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. You can access the UPSC Mains Philosophy Question Paper 2024 syllabus in PDF format here. Philosophy stands as one of the optional subjects available for the UPSC Mains Examination.

In the UPSC Mains Exam, candidates select two optional papers out of the available 48 subjects. These papers, Optional Paper I and Optional Paper II are worth 250 marks each, making up the 500 marks allocated for the optional subject.

UPSC Philosophy Optional Syllabus

UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper Previous Year Paper Download

UPSC Philosophy Optional Question Papers from 2018 to 2023 are readily available for aspirants seeking to enhance their preparation. We provide access to the UPSC Philosophy optional question papers in PDF format, which is an invaluable resource for your preparation.

Philosophy Optional Success Rate

Over the span of six years, from 2013 to 2020,  more than 10000 dedicated aspirants chose Philosophy as their optional subject for the UPSC Civil Services Mains examination. The table below offers a comprehensive overview of the success rate achieved by candidates who opted for Philosophy during this period:

UPSC Philosophy Optional Success Rate
Year Number of Candidates with Philosophy Optional Number of Candidates Selected Success Rate (%)
2020 347 20  5.8%
2019 439 27 6.2%
2018 463 42 9.1%
2017 755 53 7.0%
2016 847 44 5.2%

UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper 1

Paper 1 of the UPSC Philosophy Optional covers various philosophical themes, including epistemology, ethics, Indian philosophy, and Western philosophy. This paper evaluates candidates’ theoretical knowledge of philosophy and their ability to articulate philosophical ideas effectively.

Aspiring candidates can access the syllabus and previous years’ question papers for Paper 1 in PDF format on the official UPSC website. These resources prove invaluable for gaining insights into the examination pattern and syllabus.

UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper 2

Paper 2 of the UPSC Philosophy Optional focuses on the application of philosophical concepts and principles to contemporary issues and philosophical thinkers. It covers topics like ethics, political philosophy, and socio-political philosophy. This paper assesses candidates’ capacity to analyze and provide philosophical insights into current societal and ethical challenges.

Similar to Paper 1, the syllabus and previous question papers for Paper 2 are available in PDF format on the UPSC website. These resources provide candidates with a comprehensive understanding of the topics and question patterns, which is crucial for effective preparation.

Philosophy Optional Trend Analysis

Philosophy, as an optional subject, has garnered a reputation for its intellectual rigor and the opportunity it offers candidates to express their philosophical thinking. It often attracts individuals with a strong academic background in the subject.

Analyzing past trends in the UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper can provide valuable insights into the types of questions and topics that are frequently asked.

For candidates who have chosen Philosophy as their optional subject, it is highly advisable to go through previous years’ UPSC Philosophy question papers. This practice provides valuable insights into the types of questions to expect, the test format, and other important aspects.

Notably, around 5–6 themes tend to recur either directly or indirectly in the exam each year, making Philosophy a high-scoring and weighty optional subject. Solving UPSC Philosophy Previous Year Question Papers enables candidates to gauge their speed, accuracy, time management, and pinpoint the specific themes they should focus on for their Philosophy optional paper.

Understanding the trends in UPSC Philosophy Optional Question Papers can significantly assist candidates in streamlining their preparation for this optional subject, enhancing their overall readiness for the examination.

UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper Syllabus

The syllabus for the UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper is divided into two papers, Paper-I and Paper-II. Here’s a summary of the syllabus for both papers:

UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper Paper-I

  1. Classical Indian Philosophy: This section covers topics related to various schools of Indian philosophy, including Nyaya, Vaisesika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa, and Vedanta. Candidates are expected to have an in-depth understanding of the concepts, theories, and key thinkers of these schools.
  2. Modern Indian Thinkers: This section focuses on the philosophical contributions of modern Indian thinkers such as Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi, and B.R. Ambedkar. Candidates should be familiar with their philosophical ideas and their impact on Indian thought.
  3. Western Philosophy: This part covers the major themes and philosophers in Western philosophy, including topics like classical Greek philosophy, medieval philosophy, and modern Western philosophy. Candidates are expected to have knowledge of philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Kant, and others.
  4. Sociopolitical Philosophy: This section explores sociopolitical philosophies, including topics like justice, equality, rights, and concepts of justice in the works of philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, John Locke, Rousseau, Marx, and others.

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UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper Paper-II

  1. Indian Philosophy: This part delves deeper into Indian philosophy, covering topics such as the concepts of reality, consciousness, and the self according to various Indian philosophical traditions. Candidates should have an understanding of Advaita, Visistadvaita, and Dvaita Vedanta, among others.
  2. Western Philosophy: Paper-II continues with Western philosophy, focusing on themes like metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and the philosophy of mind. Candidates should be well-versed in the works of philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Hegel, Sartre, and others.
  3. Philosophy of Religion: This section explores topics related to the philosophy of religion, including concepts of God, religious experience, and the problem of evil. Candidates should be familiar with both Western and Indian perspectives on these issues.
  4. Philosophy of Mind: This part examines questions related to the nature of mind, consciousness, and the self. Candidates should have knowledge of contemporary debates in the philosophy of mind.
  5. Ethics: The ethics section covers normative ethics, meta-ethics, and applied ethics. Candidates should understand ethical theories like utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and ethical dilemmas in various contexts.
  6. Contemporary Philosophy: This section explores contemporary philosophical issues and debates, including topics like postmodernism, existentialism, and feminist philosophy.

How to Increase Philosophy Optional Success Rate?

The success rate for Philosophy as an optional subject in the UPSC examination has been reasonably steady. Candidates who have a deep understanding of the subject and can articulate their thoughts effectively have consistently performed well in this optional paper.

The UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper offers candidates a platform to demonstrate their philosophical prowess and their ability to apply philosophical principles to contemporary issues. While it may be considered a challenging subject, those who are genuinely passionate about philosophy find it intellectually rewarding. By analyzing past trends, practicing previous question papers, and honing their philosophical thinking, aspirants can position themselves for success in the UPSC CSE with Philosophy as their optional subject.

UPSC Philosophy Previous Year Question Papers Importance

UPSC Philosophy Previous Year Question Papers serve as a valuable tool for candidates in assessing their preparation progress and identifying areas that require further attention.

By solving these previous year papers, candidates gain insights into the paper’s format and the relative importance of different topics within the subject of philosophy. Armed with this knowledge, aspirants can fine-tune their preparation, focusing on specific philosophy topics accordingly.

In addition, working through past UPSC Philosophy Optional Question Papers hones candidates’ skills in crafting effective answers and managing their time efficiently. This skill set is crucial for success in the IAS exam, where a multitude of questions must be addressed within strict time constraints.

In summary, the utilization of previous year papers in philosophy enhances candidates’ speed and accuracy, two critical factors that significantly influence their performance in the IAS exam.

How to Prepare for UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper?

Preparing for the Philosophy optional subject in UPSC requires a well-structured approach. Philosophy can be broadly categorized into four parts: Western Philosophy, Indian Philosophy, Social-Political Philosophy, and Religious Philosophy. Here’s a preparation strategy for each of these:

Western Philosophy and Indian Philosophy (Paper-1)

  • For Indian Philosophy, consider reading “An Introduction to Indian Philosophy” by Satishchandra Chatterjee.
  • For Western Philosophy, you can refer to “A Critical History of Western Philosophy: Greek, Medieval, and Modern” by Yakub Masih.

Social-Political Philosophy and Religious Philosophy (Paper-II)

  • Stay updated on contemporary philosophical discussions by reading Hindu editorials and articles from monthly magazines like Yojana and Kurukshetra.
  • These magazines often cover important philosophical topics that can be relevant for Paper-II.

Practice Answer Writing

  • After thorough preparation of the mentioned topics, focus on answer writing. Use your notes to write answers and seek evaluation from mentors or experts.

Refer to Toppers’ Answer Scripts

  • Study answer copies of previous year’s toppers to understand the quality and structure of ideal answers. Practice answer writing in a similar manner.

Enroll in Test Series

  • Enroll in a test series to have your answer copies evaluated and receive feedback from experts and mentors. This will help you identify areas for improvement.

UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper Booklist

  • An Introduction to Indian Philosophy” by Satishchandra Chatterjee
  • A Critical History of Western Philosophy: Greek, Medieval, and Modern” by Yakub Masih
  • A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy” by Chandradhar Sharma
  • Contemporary Indian Philosophy” by Basant Kumar Lal
  • An Introduction to Political Theory” by O.P. Gauba
  • Philosophy of Religion” by John H. Hick

Is Philosophy Optional Good for UPSC?

Choosing Philosophy as an optional subject for the UPSC Civil Services Examination has both advantages and challenges, and its suitability depends on an individual’s interests, background, and preparation abilities. Here are some key points to consider when evaluating whether Philosophy is a good optional subject for UPSC:

Philosophy Optional Advantages

  1. Scoring Potential: Philosophy has the potential to be a high-scoring optional subject if candidates have a strong grasp of the concepts and can articulate their ideas effectively.
  2. Overlap with General Studies (GS): Some topics in Philosophy may overlap with the GS paper, particularly in areas like ethics, political philosophy, and social philosophy, reducing the overall study load.
  3. Conceptual Clarity: Philosophy enhances critical thinking, analytical, and writing skills. It encourages candidates to develop a clear and structured approach to problem-solving, which is valuable in the UPSC examination.
  4. Subject Interest: Candidates with a genuine interest in philosophical questions, ethics, and intellectual discourse may find Philosophy fulfilling and enjoyable to study.

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Philosophy Optional Challenges

  1. Extensive Syllabus: Philosophy has a broad and comprehensive syllabus that covers both Indian and Western philosophical traditions, which can be challenging to cover in depth within the available time.
  2. Abstract Concepts: Some philosophical concepts can be abstract and complex, requiring a deep understanding and the ability to articulate complex ideas concisely.
  3. Interpretation and Subjectivity: Philosophy often involves interpretation and subjective analysis of texts and philosophical arguments, which may not appeal to candidates who prefer more objective subjects.
  4. Competitive Nature: Philosophy is a popular optional subject, and the competition can be high. Scoring well may require in-depth knowledge and excellent presentation skills.

UPSC Philosophy Optional Paper FAQs

Whether Philosophy is easy or difficult as a UPSC optional subject depends on individual factors. If you have a genuine interest, analytical skills, and a background in the subject, it may be manageable and rewarding. However, its extensive syllabus and abstract concepts can pose challenges for some candidates. Assess your own strengths and interests before choosing it as an optional subject.

Certainly, choosing Philosophy as an optional subject for the UPSC exam has several advantages. It offers a concise syllabus, remains largely static, exhibits overlap with the ethics and essay papers, possesses a logical nature, and is accessible to candidates from diverse educational backgrounds.

Both Philosophy and Sociology are excellent optional subjects for UPSC. Many candidates have achieved top ranks with both subjects. Both Philosophy and Sociology are beneficial for the Essay paper and interviews. However, it's worth noting that Sociology has a higher success rate compared to Philosophy.

Avinash Kumar, the UPSC Topper of 2022, who achieved the remarkable feat of securing the national first position in Philosophy Optional with an impressive score of 319 marks (AIR 17 2022).

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