Feb 17 2024


India and Colombia signed an MoU on Cooperation in sharing solutions implemented at the population scale for Digital transformation.

India and Colombia Sign MoU On Digital Cooperation


  • The MoU was signed between the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and the Information Technologies and Communications of Colombia.
  • Both sides discuss the importance of Digital Public Infrastructure through the MoU.

About Colombia:

  • Location: Officially known as the Republic of Colombia, located in South America.
  • Bordered by:  
    • Brazil in the South-East.
    • Panama in the North-West.
    • Venezuela in the East.
    • The Pacific Ocean in the West.
    • The Caribbean Sea in the North.
    • Peru and Ecuador in the South.
  • Ring of Fire: Colombia is a part of the Ring of Fire.
Ring of Fire:

  • Also known as Circum-Pacific Belt.
  • Characterized by: Active Volcanoes as a result of Plate Tectonics
  • Volcanoes: It is home to more than 450 volcanoes both active and dormant.
  • Earthquakes: The place is prone to most of the active earthquakes on the planet.
  • Landscape: The country encompasses desert, highland, grassland, and the Amazon rainforest.
  • Mountain: 25% of the Its territory lies in the Andes mountains.
  • Official Language: Spanish is the official language of the country.
  • Speciality: It is the only country in South America to have Atlantic and Pacific oceans touching both sides of the coastlines.
  • It is geographically positioned in the Northern and Western hemispheres of the Earth.
Also Read: Cyber Security And Rising Incidence Of Cyber Crime

News Source: AIR

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The Digital Services Act (DSA), the EU’s landmark rulebook that aims to make the online environment safer, has come into effect for all online intermediaries in the European Union

EU’s Digital Services Act

  • Digital Services Act officially came into effect on August 25 2023 but was applied to very large platforms (having more than 45 million active monthly users in the European Union) at that time.
  • The European Commission has since engaged itself in investigating and probing the compliance of these digital giants.
  • Small companies  defined as having less than 50 staff and a turnover of less than 10 million euros are relatively spared broader scrutiny by the law.
Also Read: EU’s Carbon Border Tax

What Is the Digital Services Act?

  • Digital Services Act is a comprehensive set of rules designed to enhance online safety and transparency for European Union (EU) users passed by the European Parliament in 2022.
  • Its provision applies to Online platforms that offer goods, services, or content to EU citizens, such as social media, e-commerce, or cloud services.
  • Aim: To regulate the online activities of tech players with a special focus on tech giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. and to create a safer and more transparent internet for everyone.

Rules of the Digital Services Act

  • Compliance Requirements:

    • All platforms need to remove illegal content or make it inaccessible as soon as the issue is raised.
    • Inform authorities of suspected criminal behavior or offense posing a  threat to life and safety.
    • Accountability: Companies must publish an Action Taken report every year with details about the response time and actions taken on content moderation.
  • Content Regulation: 

    • Content scrutiny: Online  platforms needs to actively prevent and remove illegal or harmful content, including hate speech, terrorism, and child abuse
    • Non compliant users: Platforms to suspend users who frequently share illegal content such as hate speech or fake ads.
    • User Verification: Online shopping sites must verify the identities of users and block repeat fraudsters.
  • Targeted Advertising Restrictions:

    • Sensitive Information: Online platforms are prohibited from using a person’s characteristics like sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, or political beliefs for targeted advertising
    • Children aged 17 and under cannot be targeted with advertisements.
  • Algorithm Transparency: 

    • Platforms must disclose how their algorithms function and impact the content they display.
  • Stricter Rules for Large Platforms: 

    • Large online platforms are defined as reaching over 10% of the EU population about (45 million users) per month.
    • The EU has named 22 “very large” platforms including Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Microsoft, Snapchat, TikTok and clothing retailer Zalando as well as three major adult websites.
    • Internal Risk Assessment: The platforms have to have an internal structure to assess the risks such as spread of illegal content and privacy infringements and to  mitigate them such as improved content moderation.
      • Establish  an independent internal supervisor to keep an eye on whether they are in line with the rules.
    • Data Accessibility: Periodic and regular access to data is required to be provided to the authorities, to see the rules compliance.
    • Third party Audit: The company Data  will also be shared with approved researchers and the firms will be audited once a year at their own expense.
  • Grievance Redressal: 

    • Users can lodge a complaint claiming a platform is in violation of the DSA with their competent national authority.
    • Fixing Responsibilities: Online shopping sites may be held responsible for any damage from products bought by users that are non-compliant or dangerous.
    • Penalties: The company can be charged upto six percent of their global turnover, and in case of repeated non-compliance, they can also be banned.
  • Authority: 

    • Smaller companies: The EU  member states have to assign a competent authority with the powers to investigate and sanction any violation. 
    • Coordination: These national authorities should collaborate with one another and the EU commission to enforce the regulation.
    • Very  large platforms: They will come under direct supervision of the European Union Commission with sanction powers
Also Read: India-European Free Trade Association Agreemen

News Source: The Economic Times

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Recently, A think tank ‘Climate Analytics’ in its report highlighted the substantial investment required to meet the Renewable Energy (RE)  goal set at COP28.

Renewable Energy: Key Highlights of the Report By Climate Analytics

  • Investment Requirements for Renewable Energy Expansion:  Around $ 8 trillion for new renewables and an additional $ 4 trillion for grid and storage infrastructure, to achieve the ambitious goal of tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030. 
  • Prioritizing Renewables over Fossil Fuels: Citing the substantial investment already allocated to Fossil Fuels, Global Stocktake (an assessment of global progress on climate action) as one of the key outcomes of COP28 included it.
  • Regional Challenges: The report emphasizes the need for concerted efforts to ensure Certain regions like Sub-Saharan Africa, do not lag behind in renewable energy adoption.
  • Intensified efforts needed from OECD Regions & Climate Leaders: 
    • To not only increase renewables domestically but also provide financial support to regions facing challenges in meeting renewable energy targets. 
  • Beyond 2030: The report finds renewables need to continue growing strongly beyond the end of the decade, scaling up five times by 2035 relative to 2022, to limit warming to 1.5°C. 
    • As governments start to develop their 2035 targets for the next round of NDCs, they should consider how to follow through on the tripling ambition collectively agreed at COP28.
Also Read: UN Climate Summit 2023 or COP28

Current Status of Renewable Energy: At Global Level: 

S.No. Global Rank of Countries Indian State’s  Rank (As of 31st January 2024-MNRE)
Top 5 in Terms of Renewable Installed  1st-China,2nd-USA,3rd-Brazil,4th- India,5th-Germany Rajasthan>Gujarat>Karnataka>Tamil Nadu>Maharashtra
Top 5  in Terms of Solar Energy Generation  1st- China, 2nd-USA, 3rd-Japan, 4th-Germany,5th- India Rajasthan>Gujarat>Karnataka>Tamilnadu
Top 5 in Terms of Wind Energy Generation 1st- China, 2nd-USA, 3rd-Germany, 4th-India, 5th-Spain Gujarat>Tamil Nadu>Karnataka>Rajasthan


Also Read: Loss And Damage Fund Approved At COP28 Summit

Current Status Renewable Energy: At India Level

Renewable Energy

  • About 13.5 GW renewable energy capacity added during calendar year 2023 India.
  • As of Dec 2023, Renewable energy sources, including large hydropower, have a combined installed capacity of 180.79 GW. 
    • Wind power: 44.73 GW Solar Power: 73.31 GW Biomass/Cogeneration: 10.2 GW Small Hydro Power: 4.98 GW Waste To Energy: 0.58 GW Large Hydro: 46.88 GW 
  • India’s Renewable Energy Target Under NDC:

    • Reduce Carbon Intensity of the nation’s economy: to less than 45% by the end of the decade. 
    • Electric Power: Achieve 50 per cent cumulative electric power installed by 2030 from renewables, and 
    • Net zero Carbon Emission: Achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2070
    • Total Capacity: India aims for 500 GW of renewable energy installed capacity by 2030. 
    • Green Hydrogen: India aims to produce five million tonnes of green hydrogen by 2030.
Also Read: NDC Synthesis Report For 2023: UNFCCC

News Source: DTE

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A unique mechanism of electric polarization via magnetic ordering was identified in a novel mineral called “MnBi2S4.

MnBi2S4: Electric Polarization Via Magnetic Ordering 

  • The study: It is a groundbreaking discovery in the field of magnetoelectric materials 
    • It focuses on a novel material named “MnBi2S4”, which exhibits a unique mechanism of inducing electric polarization via magnetic ordering.
  • Publication: The findings of the study are published in the journal PHYSICAL REVIEW B.
  • Funding: Department of Science and Technology, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India 
  • Facilities: Sheikh Saqr Laboratory and International Centre for Materials Science at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research provided experimental facilities.

Magnetoelectric Multiferroics

  • These are a particular class of materials having rare and unique properties exhibiting  both magnetism and ferroelectricity simultaneously. 
  • Application: The property makes this material especially valuable for advanced technology applications like spintronics, electronic memory devices, and other components like actuators and switches.
  • Spin-driven multiferroics: A particular type of multiferroic material that exhibits ferroelectricity only when specific magnetic structures are present. 


Electric Polarization

  • It refers to the slight relative shift of positive and negative electric charge in opposite directions within an insulator, or dielectric, induced by an external electric field.
  • Polarization occurs when an electric field distorts the negative cloud of electrons around positive atomic nuclei in a direction opposite the field.

MnBi2S4 or Centro-symmetric

  • It is also known as mineral graţianite and belongs to the ternary manganese chalcogenide family.
  • The study: 

    • Tool:  High-resolution neutron diffraction was used to conduct the study, which is  crucial in characterizing the different magnetic structures responsible for electric polarization at these temperatures.
    • Findings:
      • Distinct magnetic structures were identified in the material, which includes a spin density wave (at 27 kelvin) as well as cycloidal (at 23 kelvin) and helical spin structures (at 21.5 Kelvin)
      • Most crucial discovery was the last two spin structures induced ferroelectricity in the material.
      • MnBi2S4 undergoes magnetic ordering at low temperatures (27, 23, and 21.5 Kelvins).
  • Significance:

    • Breakthrough in magnetoelectric coupling: Identification of solid coupling between magnetism and electric polarization driven by magnetic frustration.
      • For the first time, it was discovered in the specific MnBi2S4 material.
    • This discovery has sparked a lot of interest in finding new materials with different types of magnetism for various applications.
    • Application:  
      • Energy-efficient data storage: It could pave the way for energy-efficient spin manipulation using small electric fields
      • It could revolutionize data storage by reducing energy consumption during writing processes.
      • Logic system: It could lead to the development of a four-state logic memory system, providing additional degrees of freedom for device performance compared to the current binary logic systems.
    • Future research: The goal is to find materials that exhibit these properties at room temperature and to understand the mechanisms that break inversion symmetry and induce polarization.
Also Read: India Joins Battery Energy Storage Systems Consortium

News source: PIB

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Recently, Union External Affairs Minister(EAM) S Jaishankar met with US Secretary of State Blinken on the sidelines of Germany’s 60th Munich Security Conference.

  • The Union External Affairs Minister  addressed a panel discussion on ‘Growing the Pie: Seizing Shared Opportunities’.

About the Munich Security Conference 

Munich Security Conference

  • It is Often referred to as the ‘Davos of Defence’.
  • The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is an annual international forum dedicated to discussing and addressing critical security and foreign policy matters.
  • Purpose: It facilitates dialogue and debate among political leaders, policymakers, military officials, experts, and civil society representatives. 
  • Evolution of the Conference: 
    • Initially known as the Internationale Wehrkundebegegnung/Munchner Wehrkundetagung,
    • It was founded by a German official and publisher, Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist, at the peak of the Cold War.
    • Originating in 1963, the MSC has emerged as a pivotal event in international security. 
    • The Conference was Held in Munich, Germany.

Significance of Munich Security Conference

  • Expansion of Participation: Over the years, the MSC has broadened its participant base, welcoming influential players from rising powers such as China, Brazil, and India. 
  • Adaptation to Global Dynamics: In response to shifting geopolitical landscapes, the MSC has diversified its discussions, incorporating topics like the Problem in West Asia, Arab uprisings, Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and the Ukraine War
Also Read: World Government Summit 2024

News Source: IE

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Consulting firm McKinsey has recently published a report that sheds light on the women’s health gap issue. 

Key Findings of the McKinsey Report

  • Women’s Health Gap Impact: McKinsey’s report shows that neglecting women’s health leads to 75 million years lost annually due to illness or early death, which is equal to seven days per woman each year.
  • Economic Benefits of Closing the Gap: Addressing women’s health disparities could boost the global economy by $1 trillion yearly by 2040.
    • It shows a positive correlation between women’s health and economic prosperity.
  • EndometriosisWomen’s Health Challenges: Women bear a heavier burden of poor health and disability. Due to poor health, women have to spend an average of nine years in ill health. 
    • This dramatically affects their well-being, productivity, and earning potential. 

About Endometriosis

  • Endometriosis is a painful chronic disease. 
  • This disease occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, like fallopian tubes, ovaries, intestine and within your pelvic cavity. 
    • The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus. 
      • This tissue is what women shed during a menstrual period.
  • Inflammation and scar tissue: Endometriosis  can cause inflammation and form scar tissue in the pelvic area. 
  • EndometriosisStarting of Endometriosis: It can begin when the first period starts and continue until they reach menopause.


The exact cause is not known, but endometriosis is thought to arise due to:

  • Retrograde Menstruation:

    • Flow of blow backwards: Menstrual blood containing endometrial cells flows backwards through the fallopian tubes into the pelvic cavity during periods.
    • Endometrial cells may implant and grow outside the uterus.
  • Cellular Metaplasia:


    • Endometrial-like cells: Cells outside the uterus change into endometrial-like cells and proliferate.
      • This transformation leads to the growth of endometriosis in ectopic locations.
  • Stem Cells:

    • Stem cells are believed to initiate the development of endometriosis.
    • The disease spreads throughout the body via blood and lymphatic vessels.
  • Estrogen Dependence:

    • Estrogen levels influence endometriosis.
    • Impact of High estrogen: Higher estrogen levels can increase inflammation, growth, and pain.  


  • Treatments for endometriosis depend on symptom severity. No treatment currently offers a cure for the disease. 
    • Scotland’s trials: Recent reports from Scotland’s trials have shown the possibility of women soon having access to the first effective drug for endometriosis.
Also Read: Casgevy Therapy – A Gene Therapy For Sickle Cell Disease


News Source: The Hindu

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The Uppiliya Naicker community is celebrating Maasi Magam festival at a 200-year-old temple inside Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve (STR)

Maasi Magam Festival 2024

  • The temple (Aadhi Karuvannarayar Bomma Deviyar temple), which is said to be over 200 years old, is Located in a forest within the Bhavanisagar Range of the Sathyamangalam Division in STR.
  • Recently, the Madras High Court has directed the Forest Department to regulate the festival proceedings to minimise wildlife disturbance in the tiger reserve.

About Maasi Magam Festival

  • It is a Tamil festival that occurs during the Tamil month of Masi (February – March) on the day when the full moon day aligns with the Magha star.
  • Masi Magam is widely celebrated in Tamil Nadu’s temples, where main deities are paraded to sea shores or riverbanks.
  • Belief:  The celestial beings and ancestral spirits come down to the earth and take a holy dip in the sacred waters to wash away their sins.

About Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve

  • Location of STR:

    • It is located in the Erode District of Tamilnadu, within the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, at the confluence of the Eastern and Western Ghats.

Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve

Corridor: The Mudumalai – Mangalapatti – Thengumarada – Karachikorai – Bannari is an important corridor (The Great Moyar Corridor) that links the Mudumalai and Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserves.


  • Vegetation: Consists of ‘Southern Tropical dry thorn forests’, mixed deciduous forests, semi-evergreen forests, and Riparian forests.
  • Flora: Albizziaamara Chloroxylonswictenia, Gyrocarpusjacquini, Neem, Tamarind, Sandalwood, Randi dumetorum, Zizyphus and associates.
  • Fauna: Elephant, Tiger, Panther, Sloth bear, Gaur, Black Buck, Spotted deer, Wild boar, Black napped hare, Common langur, Nilgiri langur, Striped neck mongoose and Bonnet macaque.
  • Tiger Status: 
Also Read: List Of All National Parks In India


Tiger Reserves in India

  • The Indian government announces new tiger reserves under the 1972 Wildlife Protection Act, based on the National Tiger Conservation Authority’s recommendations, to protect tigers and their prey.
  • India has 54 tiger reserves as of Jan 2024. The most recent one, announced on September 20, 2023, is the Veerangana Durgavati Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh.


Also Read: Achievements Of NTCA In 2023

News Source: The Hindu 

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Scientists have identified a model system of quantum critical points to understand new materials better.

Scientists Identify Quantum Critical Points Model for Better Understanding New Materials

Quantum Critical Point

  • Quantum Critical Points Model: This model can help understand unusual behaviors in materials near a quantum critical point and may be used in comprehending entanglement and quantum computing.
  • Challenges with Established Framework: Silicon and other well-studied materials are understood with the help of well-established frameworks, such as the widely used density functional theory. 
    • However, new materials like transition metal oxides, manganates, ruthenate, and iridates are difficult to understand using these frameworks.
  • Promise for Advanced Applications: The unique properties of these materials, such as sensitivity to small perturbations, make them promising for advanced applications in devices like sensors, GPS, and memory RAM.
  • Quantum Critical Point: A quantum critical point is a point in the phase diagram of a material where a continuous phase solution takes place at absolute zero. 
  • Density Functional Theory: It is based on the theorem that the ground state energy and properties of a system are uniquely determined by the electron density of a system.

What Is Quantum Computing?

  • Quantum computing is a rapidly emerging technology that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers. 
  • Classical computers encode information in binary “bits” that can either be 0s or 1s. In a quantum computer, the basic unit of memory is a quantum bit or qubit.

Quantum Critical Point

What Is Quantum Entanglement?

  • Entanglement is at the heart of quantum physics and future quantum technologies.
  • The phenomenon of entanglement reveals itself at very tiny, subatomic scales.
  • When two particles, such as photons or electrons, become entangled, they remain connected even when separated by vast distances.
  • In simplest terms, Quantum entanglement means that the aspect of one particle of an entangled pair depends on aspects of the other particle, no matter how far apart they are or what lies between them.
Also Read: Event Horizon Telescope Confirms Black Hole Shadow

News Source: Spiceworks , IBM, PIB

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This article is based on the news “India Defence exports: A strategic imperative which was published in the Business Standard. With escalating geopolitical tensions driving the expansion of the defense and aerospace industry, India has a significant opportunity to become a key player in the global Defence Exports market.

Relevancy for Prelims: Defence Technology, Make In India Vs Self-Sufficiency, and India’s Supply Chain Opportunity, and SIPRI Report

Relevancy for Mains: India Defence Exports: Current Status, Significance, Benefits, Challenges, and Way Forward.

Status of India Defence Exports

India Defence Exports

  • Expanding Global Defence Industry: Analysts foresee a rapid expansion of the global defence and aerospace industry, from $750 billion in 2022, to $1.38 trillion by 2030.
    • Leading Arms Exporters: The US, Russia, France, China, and Germany account for nearly 77 per cent of global arms exports, according to the SIPRI report
  • Surge in India’s Defence Exports: India’s Defence Exports surged from surging from Rs. 686 Crore in FY 2013-14 to nearly Rs. 16,000 Crore in FY 2022-23. 
    • It has grown 800 percent in five years and reached 85 countries across continents. 
    • This propelled India into the top 25 defense exporters globally.
  • Private Sector Dominance: Nearly 80 percent of the defense export growth is attributable to private industry.
  • Items of India’s Defence Exports: Expanding India’s Defence Exports encompass missiles, rockets, torpedoes, artillery-guns, and drones, among others.
  • Major Export Destination: India’s private companies and Defence PSUs currently export defence equipment to over 75 countries.
    • Italy, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Russia, France, Nepal, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Israel, Egypt, UAE, Bhutan, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Poland, Spain and Chile are some of the major export destinations for defence equipment and platforms.

India As a Defence Exporter: What Advantages Will India Gain From Being a Defence Exporter?

  • Economics Advantages: Export of defense items not only earns foreign currencies but also substitutes the import of defense products.
    • The Atma Nirbhar Bharat initiative which promotes local defense production, has reduced India’s import dependency from 46% of defense spending in 2018-19 to 36.7% by December 2022.
  • Integration with Global Defence Supply Chain: The growth of India’s defence industry is integrating them with the global defence supply chain with countries like the USA, France etc.
  • Strategic Interdependence: India’s Defence exports create dependencies for maintenance, repair, and future upgrades, linking India technologically with partner nations.
  • Enhanced Military Cooperation: Selling defense equipment fosters compatibility, facilitating joint operations, interoperability and broadening military collaboration opportunities.
  • Geopolitical Influence and Diplomatic Leverage: India’s Defence relations influence the geopolitical stance of partner countries, enhancing India’s strategic position and diplomatic relations.
  • Self-Reliance in Defence: Focusing on indigenisation strengthens India’s defense sector, mitigating vulnerabilities associated with foreign imports and bolstering its role as a key Indo-Pacific power.
Emergence of US As a Defence Exports Major:

The US which currently dominates the Global Arms supply with around 40% market share, lagged behind Europe in the late 19th century.

  • Strategic Shift in Production: In response to changing naval technologies, the US shifted from importing to mandating domestic production of ships and components in the 1880s, laying the groundwork for a private defence industry.
  • Government Support: The introduction of the Government Metal Testing programme, amendments allowing direct procurement negotiations, and the promotion of foreign sales by US firms were key policies that transformed the US defence industry.

Factors Contributing to the Emergence of India as a Defense Exporter

  • Geopolitical Uncertainties: Dependence on foreign suppliers exposes vulnerabilities that India can ill-afford, particularly in times of crisis. 
Which Defence Equipment Does India Export?

The major defence items being exported are Personal Protective items, Offshore Patrol Vessels, ALH Helicopter, SU Avionics, Bharati Radio, Coastal Surveillance Systems, Kavach MoD II Launcher and FCS, Spares for Radar, Electronic Systems and Light Engineering Mechanical Parts, among other.

    • India imports nearly 60 percent of its equipment from Russia, which is at war in Ukraine. India is looking at equipment systems in Israel, which is at war in Gaza.
  • External Opportunities

    • China’s Export Challenges: A decline in Chinese arms exports due to quality and performance issues, highlighted by operational problems in Myanmar, Nigeria, and Pakistan, opens opportunities for India.
      • Myanmar’s grounding of Chinese jets, Nigeria’s return of Chengdu F-7 fighters, and Pakistan’s issue with F-22 frigates highlight the challenges faced by China’s arms industry.
      • China’s declining arms exports are marked by a 7.8% drop between 2016 and 2020.
  • Domestic Strengths and Initiatives For India’s Defence Exports

    • Expertise in Handling Russian Equipment: India’s capability to service Russian military platforms is recognized globally, increasing its attractiveness to countries with Russian inventories.
    • Strategic Geographic Position: The Indo-Pacific region’s growing strategic importance enhances the role of Indian shipyards in servicing US and European naval forces.
    • Technological Edge: India’s prowess in software and AI in defense fulfills the requirement of the modern warfare shift towards tech-driven capabilities, attracting global defense OEMs.
  • Government Support and Policy For India Defence Exports

    • Innovation for Defence Excellence (IDEX): This initiative has fostered hundreds of startups offering innovative defense technologies, ready for global licensing.
    • Defence Production & Export Promotion Policy (DPEPP) envisages an environment that encourages R&D, rewards innovation, creates Indian IP ownership and promotes a robust and self-reliant defense industry.
    • Positive Indigenization List: Government has notified four Positive Indigenisation Lists comprising 411 major weapon platforms and systems with an embargo on their import from defined timelines.
    • India;s Defence Exports Steering Committee: It is a body that is playing a significant role in coordinating and promoting the export of defense products from India.
  • Infrastructure and Innovation For India Defence Exports

    • Private Sector and Startup Engagement: Encouraging private sector participation and streamlining export permissions to minimize delays can significantly contribute to the growth of the defense sector.
    • Export Facilitation Measures: Implementing an online system for export inquiries, open general export licenses, and recognizing Defence Exports as a performance measure for defense attaches abroad can promote Defence Exports.
    • Financial and Promotional Support: Liberal defense lines of credit and the repositioning of DefExpo and Aero India as global showcases for Indian defense innovations have also played crucial roles.
    • Defence Industrial Corridors: Two defense industrial corridors are being established in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, and intends to increase indigenization of defense products and increase exports. 

Challenges To India’s Defence Export Growth

  • Regulatory and Bureaucratic Hurdles: Bureaucratic resistance and outdated practices, especially by institutions like the DRDO, block private sector integration into defense manufacturing and deter innovation.
  • Project Delays: Delays in crucial defense projects and cost overruns due to such delays hamper the growth prospect of the defense sector. 
    • As per the reports of the Ministry of Defence, 23 of 55 DRDO’s ‘mission mode’ projects have been delayed.
    • The CAG said that DRDO couldn’t stick to the original time frame in 119 out of 178 projects.
  • Funding and Investment Shortfalls:  Insufficient funding for R&D and lack of attractive investment mechanisms for private investors is a challenge to the growth of defense export growth.
    • Gross Expenditure on Research and Development (GERD) of prominent defense exporting countries are Israel (4.8%), South Korea (4.5%), USA (~3%), China (2.6%) and France (~2.5%), whereas India’s GERD is only 0.65%.
  • Infrastructural Deficit: It increases India’s logistics costs thus reducing the country’s cost competitiveness and efficiency in the defense sector. 

Way Forward To India Defence Exports

  • Simplify rules for government-to-government sales: The government should actively promote Defence Exports by simplifying rules for government-to-government sales, to ease procurement by foreign governments from Indian firms.
  • Framework for International Sales: Beyond specific agreements like with the US, India needs a broader framework similar to the US’s foreign military framework to facilitate easier international transactions.
  • Defense Lines of Credit (LOC): Allowing empanelled defense firms to include defense LOC in their proposals could be considered. Interest rates for defense LOC need to be reduced.
  • Innovation and Technology Licensing: With IDEX startups developing sought-after innovative technologies, a licensing framework that protects national interests and supports startups is critical.
  • Integrating Defense and Education Sector: To boost defense innovation, India needs to integrate academia industry and R&D labs into its ecosystem to develop advanced technology. There is also a need for curriculum updates and offer appealing career paths to students and researchers.
  • Establishment of Think Tank: The Government should consider creation of a think tank under the Department of Defence with national and international experts in S&T, war-gaming, policy formation etc. to dynamically update defense roadmap as per world requirement.


India’s Defence Exports enhance global standing position and improve strategic relations with allied nations, presenting a vital agenda for government prioritization.

Also Read: Project 75i


Mains Question: DRDO has not lived up to its expectations in achieving indigenisation of defense equipment. Critically examine the factors responsible for its sub-optimal performance and suggest measures to improve the same. (15 marks, 250 words)


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