Mar 14 2024


  • Recently the United States of America  mooted  first-of-its-kind the draft General Assembly resolution  at the UN seeking equal global access to Artificial Intelligence.

Key Features of  Draft General Assembly resolution

  • Equal Participation of Nations: Aiming to bridge the digital divide, the resolution emphasises equal participation in AI discussions and capabilities for all nations.
Digital Divide

Digital divide is a term that refers to the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology, and those that don’t or have restricted access. 

  • Safe and Trustworthy Governance: It acknowledges the rapid advancement of AI and the need for global consensus on its safe and trustworthy governance.
  • Non-Binding Resolution: The resolution, though non-binding, seeks to establish principles for AI development and utilisation while managing associated risks.
  • Alignment with United Nations Development Goals: It aligns with UN’s 2030 development goals, urging regulatory frameworks to ensure AI benefits without compromising human rights.
  • New Regulations by Countries: European Union and other nations are also crafting AI regulations, emphasising the importance of international cooperation in AI governance.
  • Ethical Considerations: It warns against “improper or malicious design, development, deployment and use of artificial intelligence systems.
Additional Reading: Artificial Intelligence

News Source: The Hindu

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  • Recently the Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting launched PB-SHABD, a news sharing service from Prasar Bharati.


  • PB-SHABD stands for  Prasar Bharti – Shared Audio Visuals for Broadcast and Dissemination (PB-SHABD).
  • Objective: To provide daily news feeds in video, audio, text, photo and other formats to the subscribers from the media landscape.

About Prasar Bharti

  • It is the Public Service Broadcaster established as  a statutory autonomous body under the Prasar Bharati Act.
  • Objective: To conduct public broadcasting services intended to inform and entertain the public.
  • Organizations under its banner: It comprises the Doordarshan Television Network and All India Radio, which were earlier media units of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
  • Headquarter: New Delhi
  • Services to be availed: It is powered by the vast network of Prasar Bharati reporters, correspondents and stringers, the service would bring you the latest news from different parts of the country.
  • Single point of Source: It will be a single point source of news content for all organizations. 
  • Free of Cost Service: The shared feeds can be used for customized storytelling across different platforms.
    • As an introductory offer, the services would be available free of cost and help the smaller newspapers, TV channels and digital portals immensely.

News Source: PIB

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A US-based AI lab, Cognition, has announced the launch of what it calls the world’s first fully autonomous AI software engineer, named Devin.

Devin: The Advanced AI Software Engineer for End-to-End Development and Problem-Solving

  • Advanced Capabilities: The AI agent comes with some advanced capabilities in software development, including coding, debugging, problem-solving, etc.
  • Improved Performance: It uses machine learning algorithms to constantly learn and improve its performance and adapt according to new challenges.
  • Executing Complex Engineering Tasks: Devin can build and deploy apps end-to-end and can also train and fine-tune its own AI models. It can plan and execute complex engineering tasks that would require thousands of decisions.
  • Fixing Mistakes: It can recall relevant context at each step, self-learn over time, and even fix mistakes. This software engineer has the ability to proactively collaborate with the user.
  • Reporting Progress in Real Time: It reports progress in real-time, is capable of accepting feedback, and works along with the user through design choices as needed.
  • Performing Tasks independently: Devin is equipped with common developer tools including the shell, code editor, and a browser, and it can perform tasks independently.

Performance: Augmenting Efficiency & Eliminating Human Errors in Software Development

  • Efficiency: It is capable of augmenting efficiency and speed within software development processes by automating repetitive tasks, instantly generating code, expediting project timelines, and cutting down development expenses substantially. 
  • Immune to Human Errors: It is immune to human errors or inconsistencies.

News Source: Indian Express 

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  • The Earth experiences climate fluctuations in a 2.4-million-year cycle, discovered through geological sedimentary evidence in the deep ocean Current. This cycle, known as “astronomical grand cycles

Key Feature of Milankovitch cycles:

  • Eccentricity: The shape of Earth’s orbit, known as eccentricity;
  • Obliquity: The angle Earth’s axis is tilted with respect to Earth’s orbital plane, known as obliquity; and
  • Precession: The direction Earth’s axis of rotation is pointed, known as precession.

Key Highlights of the Study Newly Discovered Climate Cycle: 

Study in Nature Communications unveils 2.4-million-year climate cycle linked to Earth-Mars gravitational tug-of-war.

  • Impact of Climate Cycle: Cycle impacts deep sea currents and global warming patterns, adding to understanding of natural climate rhythms.
  • Milankovitch Cycles and Ice Ages: Serbian astrophysicist Milutin Milankovitch’s cycles influence Earth’s long-term climate through orbit changes.
  • Gravitational jostling : Gravitational jostling of planets alters orbits, affecting ice ages with predictable patterns.
  • Earth and Mars Relationship: Astronomical “grand cycles” include slower rhythms, such as the 2.4-million-year cycle related to Earth-Mars orbits.
  • Study of Deep Sea Sediment: Deep-sea sediment study reveals connection between orbit changes, global warming, and ocean currents.
  • Impact on Ocean Circulation: Warmer periods coincide with more vigorous deep-ocean currents, shaping sedimentary records over millions of years. 
    • Intensifying deep-ocean eddies in warmer climates may counteract potential ocean stagnation.
  • Future Course:  Interplay between Earth-Mars influence, Milankovitch cycles, and human-driven global warming depends on greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Understanding long-term climate cycles crucial for predicting future climate scenarios.

About Astronomical Grand Cycle

  • About: The concept of the Astronomical Grand Cycle (AGC) suggests that the gravitational interaction between Earth and Mars cyclically influences deep ocean currents, leading to recurring patterns every 2.4 million years. 
  • Interference of gravity fields between the two planets: This cycle is attributed to the interference of gravity fields between the two planets, causing a resonance that affects Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

News Source: Down to Earth

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The Prime Minister launched the Pradhan Mantri Samajik Utthan evam Rozgar Adharit Jankalyan (PM-SURAJ) portal for credit support to entrepreneurs from disadvantaged sections of society.

Prime Minister Launches Portal for Credit Support

  • Credit support: It will be provided to eligible persons across the country and facilitated through banks, NBFC-MFIs, and other organizations.
  • Support to Disadvantaged Groups: While launching the portal, the Prime Minister also dispersed around ₹720 crore worth of credit to 1 lakh beneficiaries from Scheduled Caste and other beneficiaries.

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About PM-SURAJ Portal

  • The portal has been launched in order to set up a one-stop point where people from disadvantaged sections of society can apply for and monitor the progress of all loan and credit schemes already available to them.
  • Nodal Ministry:  Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment 

News Source: PIB

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  • Electric Mobility Promotion Scheme 2024 (EMPS 2024) scheme is being introduced by the Ministry of Heavy Industries, to further accelerate the adoption of EVs in the country. 

Key Features of the Electric Mobility Promotion Scheme 2024:

  • Eligible EV categories: Two Wheelers (electric) (e-2W), Three-wheeler (electric) including registered e-rickshaws & e-carts and L5 (e-3W)
  • Applicability:  The scheme will be applicable mainly to those e-2W and e-3Ws registered for commercial purposes.
  • L5 Electric Three Wheeler
    About: Category L5 means a three wheeled motor vehicle with maximum speed exceeding 25kmph or motor power exceeding 0.25kW, if fitted with an electric motor and the vehicle shall normally be used for carrying persons or carrying goods. 
  • Types: Further this segment is categorised in two sub categories i.e., L5N and L5M for Goods career and Passenger vehicle respectively. 
    • Further, in addition to commercial use, privately or corporate owned registered e-2W will also be eligible under the scheme.
  • Mandate: The scheme mandates that only vehicles equipped with advanced batteries will be eligible for incentives, aiming to ensure the promotion of high-quality and efficient electric vehicles.
  • Subsidy Offered to Electric Two wheelers: Electric two-wheelers will get a subsidy of Rs 5,000 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) with a maximum limit of Rs 10,000 per vehicle under the new scheme
  • Subsidy offered to Rickshaws: Rickshaws and carts will get a subsidy of Rs 5,000 per kWh with a limit of Rs 25,000 per vehicle
  • Subsidy Offered to L5 Electric three wheelers: The per-kWh subsidy for L5 electric three-wheelers is also set at Rs 5,000, but it’s capped at Rs 50,000 per vehicle

Additional Reading: FAME II

News Source: PIB

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Madhabi Puri Buch, Chairperson of the Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI), stated that Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), Infrastructure Investment Trusts (INVITs), and Municipal Bonds are promising investment areas. 

Understanding REITs, INVITs, and Muni Bonds: Opportunities in Real Estate and Infrastructure Investment

  • REITs: These are companies that own and operate in income generating real estate.  
  • InvITs are similar to mutual funds. It permits developers to generate income from infrastructure assets. 
    • Both Reits and Invits offer investors the opportunity to invest in these assets without direct ownership.
  • Muni Bonds: A municipal bond, also known as a muni bond, is a form of debt security issued by municipal corporations or related entities in India.

The Significance of REITs, INVITs, and Muni Bonds: Features, Benefits, and Examples

Features REITs InviTs
Assets Type It is real estate properties It is infrastructure asset
Investment Investments are done on income generating real estate properties.  Investments are done on operational infrastructure assets. 
Risk This investment is less risky This investment has moderate to high risk
Generation of Income Properties Are leased and then Rents are collected on it.  Small investment on infrastructure generates return in the form of dividends at the end. 
Example Healthpeak Properties (PEAK): It develops real estate  for healthcare discovery and delivery. Road, power generators, airports are examples of InviTs

These assets are backed by  governance elements and the disclosure elements which provide comfort and confidence to retail investors


  • Lower Risk: Investors can participate in real estate without taking high levels of risk associated with direct investments.
  • Liquidity and Market Performance: REITs are publicly traded just like stocks which makes it more liquid. 
  • Diversification of risk; REITs invest in various types of real estate such as apartment buildings, hospitals, shopping centers, hotels and commercials.
    • Diversification of investment helps in reducing risks across different sectors.

Benefits and Advantages of INVITs for Investors and Developers:

  • Lower Risk: Investors can participate in infrastructure projects without taking high levels of risk associated with direct investments.
  • Reduced Capital Requirement: Investors can enter these sectors without significant capital typically required for direct investments.
  • Easy Fundraising: Developers can easily raise funds through REITs and InvITs, particularly helpful for securing last-minute funding or when banks are cautious about lending.
  • Asset Monetization: Developers can monetize a portion or the entirety of their projects through REITs and InvITs, helping to reduce assets on their balance sheets and enabling them to take on new projects.


Exploring the Benefits of Muni Bonds:

  • Transparency: Renowned agencies like CRISIL rate the bonds issued to the public, providing investors with clear information about how reliable the investment is.
  • Tax Benefits: In India, municipal bonds don’t have taxes if investors follow specific rules. Also, the interest earned from these bonds is not taxed.
  • Minimal Risk: These bonds are issued by municipal authorities, which means they carry minimal risk for investors.

Challenges and Risks of REITs and INVITs and Muni Bonds

  • REITs: REITs are influenced by shifts in the market, which in turn can affect stock prices. 
    • Economic downturns or changes in the real estate market can also affect how well REITs perform.
  • INVITs: INVITs invest money into projects like building roads, power plants, and pipelines.
    • These investment risks can include delays in construction, changes in regulations, and difficulties in running the projects due to shortage of funds. .
  • Muni Bonds: 
    • Credit Risk: Municipal bonds provide investors with regular interest payments; however, there exists a slight risk of default if governments encounter financial challenges.
    • Liquidity Risk: Municipal bonds may exhibit limited liquidity in the secondary market, potentially posing challenges for investors looking to buy or sell these bonds quickly.


Overall, REITs, InvITs, and Municipal Bonds present appealing growth prospects owing to their stable income, potential for asset value appreciation, tax advantages, and role in infrastructure development. 

These are valuable assets in diversified investment portfolios for the Indian economy. 

News Source: Thehindu

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The Popocatépetl volcano has been spewing thick plumes of volcanic ash into the sky outside Mexico.

Popocatépetl Volcano

Exploring Popocatépetl: Mexico’s Iconic Smoking Mountain

  • Origin: Popocatépetl — which means “smoking mountain” in the Aztec Nahuatl language — is located in central Mexico roughly 45 miles (72 kilometers) southeast of Mexico City. 
  • Location: It lies on the border between the states of Puebla and Morelos.
  • Elevation: The summit of Popocatepetl stands at an elevation of about 5,426 meters above sea level, making it the second-highest peak in Mexico after Citlaltepetl (Pico de Orizaba).

Popocatépetl: Mexico’s Active Stratovolcano and Its Explosive History

  • Type of Volcano: Popocatepetl is a stratovolcano (composite volcano) characterized by its steep, conical shape built up by successive layers of volcanic ash, lava flows, and pyroclastic materials.
  • Active Volcano: It is one of Mexico’s most active volcanoes, with documented eruptions dating back to the 14th century.
  • History of Eruptions: In the modern era, significant eruptions have occurred in 1947, 1994, 2000, 2005, and ongoing activity since 2013.
  • Type of Eruption: The volcano’s eruptions are primarily andesitic to dacitic in composition, characterized by the eruption of viscous lava flows and explosive eruptions producing ash clouds, pyroclastic flows, and lahars (mudflows).

News Source: Livemint

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Recently, Warring Tribes in Papua New Guinea signed a Ceasefire Deal.

Temporary Ceasefire Negotiated

  • Two Feuding Factions Yopo Alliance & Palinau Alliance negotiated a temporary Ceasefire for Three months at Port Moresby (Capital of Papua New Guinea)
The Yopo Alliance:  

  • Tribes from Ambulin, Lungipin, Sau, Itokon Nenai and Yandamau tribes. 

The Palinau Alliance: 

  • Tribes from Palinau, Kaekin, Itokon Mupapalu, Sakaikin, Sikin, Lyona, Wapunkin, Murap and Lanzerakin.


Warring Tribes

Tribal violence in Papua New Guinea Warring Tribes : 

  • Papua New Guinea is home to hundreds of tribes, many of which still live in inhospitable and remote terrain. 
    • Population & Resource Crunch: An increasing population has put a strain on land and resources and deepened tribal rivalries. 

News Source: TheHindu

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Recently, India together with Bangladesh, Colombia & Egypt have given a joint call at the WTO for review of the TRIPS Agreement.

Doha Declaration on TRIPS agreement & Public Health of 2001 

The TRIPS Agreement of 2022 

  • Ensure Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines : It has clarified the scope available to WTO members to limit the exclusive effect of patent rights & to access COVID-19 vaccines.

Reviewing TRIPS Agreement: Development and Public Health Priorities

Notion of Joint Call for the Review under Article 71 of TRIPS Agreement : After the failure of consensus on to extend the temporary waiver of certain intellectual property rights (TRIPS) for Covid-19 therapeutics and diagnostics production at the recently held 13th Ministerial Conference of WTO( in Abu Dhabi).

  • Joint Call for the review is Focused On :  To examine for the facilitation of Technology transfer, Development dimension, and other concerns of developing & Least developing countries.
  • Demand for the Conformity of TRIPS Agreement with CBD : Fast track examination of the relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
  • Demands to Examine the Doha Declaration on TRIPS agreement & Public Health of 2001 & TRIPS Agreement of 2022 
  • Recommendation for upcoming 14th WTO Ministerial Conference : Urged The TRIPS council that all these recommendations could be made at the upcoming 14th WTO Ministerial Conference ( tentatively scheduled in Cameroon).

Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 

  • Established in 1995 
  • Agreement : under WTO 
  • Objective-Establish global standards for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property (IP) rights

Challenges with TRIPS Waiver, Conflicts with CBD, and Biopiracy Concerns

Intricate IP Rights & Manufacturing Process: 

  • Vaccine development and manufacturing involve complex intellectual property mechanisms, with various protections across different stages. 
  • This includes trade secrets and copyrights that safeguard crucial knowledge and Data, Design, Material sourcing, building facilities, and obtaining regulatory approvals etc

Therefore, implementing a patent waiver alone doesn’t immediately enable manufacturers to initiate vaccine production.

Conflicts Over CBD & TRIPS Agreement:

  • CBD vs TRIPS Agreement: 

    • CBD recognises countries’ sovereign rights over their biological resources, While TRIPS Agreement allows members to provide patents over biological resources (plants, animals and microorganisms)
  • TRIPS Limitations wrt to CBD: 

    • Benefit Sharing Discrepancy: 

Biopiracy: Exploitation of Biological Resources

  • it is unauthorized appropriation and commercial exploitation of biological resources and/or traditional knowledge, frequently from indigenous communities, without fair compensation.
      • TRIPS mandates patents for all technological fields, including the exploitation of biological resources. However, it lacks mechanisms for benefit sharing between patent holders and material donors. 
      • In contrast, CBD provides a legal basis for developing countries to demand a share of benefits. Biopiracy Concerns
      • TRIPS lacks provisions for prior informed consent for accessing biological resources, leading to potential biopiracy. 
      • CBD addresses this by granting states legal authority to require prior informed consent, aiming to mitigate biopiracy risks. 
    • Public Interest vs. Private Rights: TRIPS prioritizes the private interests of IP rights holders over public health and nutrition, contrary to CBD’s emphasis on the public interest and common good. This contrast reflects a direct contradiction between the two frameworks.

Way Forward: Prioritizing CBD, Reviewing TRIPS, and Recognizing Indigenous Rights

  • Acknowledge Primacy of CBD: Recognize that CBD has primacy over the WTO, specifically in biodiversity and traditional knowledge systems. 
  • Review of TRIPS Agreement: Ensure that the review of the TRIPS Agreement allows sovereign states to exclude all life forms and related knowledge from IPR systems. 
  • Recognition & Prioritization of Collective & Indigenous Rights: Urgently recognize a collective rights of indigenous people and local communities over their biodiversity and related knowledge.
Additional Information: TRIPS – Full Form, Functions, Waiver, TRIPS and TRIMS

News Source : TheHinduBusinessline 

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India’s arms imports from Russia have reduced significantly from 64% to 45%  in the last five years (2017-2021). 

India’s Arm Purchases: France Emerges as Key Supplier Between 2018 and 2022

  • During the years (2018 and 2022), India relied on France for arm purchases, making France the second leading provider.

Understanding India’s Shift: Decrease in Arms Imports 

  • Diversification Strategy: India has changed its defense procurement strategy strategically, aiming to lessen reliance on Russian weapons in response to tensions with Pakistan and China.
  • Change in Global Trends in Arms Trade: According to the SIPRI report , The United States and Western Europe account for 72% of all arms exports in 2019–23.
    • France has witnessed a 47% increase in arms exports, positioning itself just ahead of Russia.

SIPRI: Promoting Peace Through Research, Analysis, and Advocacy

  • SIPRI stands for Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
  • It is an independent international institute.
  • Founding year: 1966
  • Mission: This body conducts research for  security and conflict aspects including  military expenditure and arms trade as well as disarmament and arms control.
    • It also provides policy analysis and promotes  transparency and accountability. 
    • Conversely, Russia’s arms exports have decreased by 53%, making it the third-largest arms exporter behind France.
  • Replacement of  Imports with domestic goods: India is leaned towards domestically designed products. Therefore, it is focused on replacing imports with major arms that are designed and produced domestically.”

Impact of India’s Arms Import Diversification on the Economy: Opportunities and Challenges

India’s Role in the Global Arms Market

Arms Import

  • India as Arms export market:  India was the primary arms export market for Russia, France, and Israel, according to SIPRI data.
  • India:  top arms importer: India remained the top arms importer, with Saudi Arabia in second place.
    • Russia supplied 45% of India’s imports, followed by France at 29% and the US at 11%.
  • It held the second-largest arms export market position for South Korea.
  • Despite ranking 21st among arms exporters, India was the third largest market for South Africa.
  • India Export: India ranked third as an arms supplier to Myanmar, with a 14% contribution of imports, after Russia and China.

Impact of reduction in India’s arms imports from Russia on Indian Economy

  • Economic Implications:

    • Positive Impact: India’s exploration of alternative arms suppliers could lead to more favorable deals, enhanced competition, and potentially reduced expenses.
    • Negative Impact: Decreased arms imports from Russia may affect bilateral trade relations and economic ties between the two nations.
  • Enhanced Bargaining Position:

  • Reduced Dependence on Russian Arms can strengthen Negotiation Power of India 
    • Better Negotiation: Because India doesn’t need to rely as much on Russian weapons, it can negotiate with other suppliers more effectively.
      • This means India can get better deals and terms when buying weapons.
  • Cost Saving and Improved efficiency: India’s ability to negotiate competitively with other suppliers like France  may lead to cost savings and improved efficiency in defense procurement. 

News Source: The Hindu

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According to the Delhi Police around 200 cases of “Digital Arrest” are reported from the nation every month.

Digital Arrest: The Rise of Cyber Fraud and Coercive Tactics

  • A New Form of Cybercrime: It refers to a fraud where impostors impersonating law enforcement officers deceive the victims into believing that their bank account, SIM card, Aadhaar card, or other cards linked to their bank account has been used unlawfully.
  • Threat of Arrest: The cyber frauds make the victim believe that they will be arrested soon, if they do not agree to be interrogated over video call.
  • Demand For: The fraudsters then virtually restrain the victims from moving out of the house and coerce them into paying them money.
    • Cyber frauds ask not to disclose any information to anyone in the name of “national security”.

Cyber Frauds Exploit Victims Through Coercive Tactics

  • A 32-year-old woman IT engineer based in Noida was allegedly duped of Rs 3.75 lakh by holding her “hostage” over a Skype call for around seven hours, gradually withdrawing money from her account in a planned manner.
  • A 50-year-old woman was allegedly put under ”digital arrest”, and was duped of ₹11.11 lakh by fraudsters claiming to be from law enforcement agencies.
  • Four persons were arrested by the Delhi Police for a ‘digital arrest’ operation, in which they posed as officers and threatened people through video calls. 

Measures to Protect from Digital Arrest

  • Cyber Hygiene: By regularly updating passwords, and software and also enabling two-factor authentications to reduce the chances of unauthorized access.
  • Phishing Attempts: These can be evaded by refraining from clicking on dubious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources and also authenticating the legitimacy of emails and messages before sharing any personal information.
  • Secured Devices: By installing reputable antivirus and anti-malware solutions and keeping operating systems and applications up to date with the latest security protocols.
  • Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): VPNs can be employed to encrypt internet connections thus enhancing privacy and security. However one must be cautious of free VPN services and OTP only for trustworthy providers.  
  • Monitor Online Services: A regular review of online accounts for any unauthorized or unlawful activities and setting up alerts for any changes to account settings or login attempts may help in the early detection of cybercrime and coping with it.
  • Secure Communication Channels: Using secure communication techniques such as encryption can be done for the protection of sensitive information. Sharing of passwords and other information must be cautiously done especially in public forums.
  • Report Immediately: If anyone has been duped by the scammers the victims must immediately call the police helpline numbers to report the matter.
  • Collaborative Efforts: The collaboration of law enforcement agencies and telecommunication companies can effectively limit the access points used by fraudsters by identifying and blocking susceptible calls.


The rise of “Digital Arrest” presents a noteworthy and innovative threat to cybersecurity. To combat this threat, people need to be aware, have knowledge, perform educated practices and adopt and follow strong cybersecurity measures. 

News Source: The Hindu

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This Article is based on the news “On judges and bureaucrats joining politics” which was published in The Hindu.

Recently, a Calcutta High Court judge resigned from their posts and joined political parties, raising questions of propriety, impartiality and neutrality about the independence of the Constitutional authorities. The implications of a Judge in Politics underscore the need for robust safeguards to preserve the integrity and independence of Constitutional authorities. 

Judges in Politics: Exploring Crossroads of Judicial and Political Realms

  • The first such example came in 1967. The former Chief Justice of India (CJI) Koka Subba Rao resigned three months before retiring to contest the Presidential election.
  • The second example is of former Supreme Court Justice Baharul Islam. In 1983, he resigned six weeks before retirement to contest the Lok Sabha polls.
  • Recently, a retired Chief Justice of India, Ranjan Gogoi was nominated to the Rajya Sabha in 2020 within four months of his retirement. 
  • In 2004, a former Chief Election Commissioner became a Rajya Sabha member and Minister three years after retirement. 
  • There have also been occasions where retired Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) and judges have been appointed Governors of States. 

Various Ethical Concerns with the Entry of Judge in Politics:

  • Against Constitutional Value: The third Schedule (deals with oath taking) of the Indian Constitution asks to swear that the judge will perform his/her duties without fear, favour, affection or ill-will. 
    • At the same time, their political entry raises questions over impartiality and propriety.
  • Erosion of Public Trust: The entry of judges in politics can lead to trust erosion in the overall judiciary.
    • In C. Ravichandran Iyer vs Justice A.M. Bhattacharjee, 1995, The SC held that to keep the stream of justice clean and pure, the judge must be endowed with sterling character, impeccable integrity and upright behaviour.
    • In All India Judges’ Association vs Union of India, 1991: The SC highlighted the significance of society’s expectation from judicial officers. The ideals are violated when judges compromise on their neutrality.Breach of Judicial Impartiality: The entry of judges into politics attracts questions about the impartiality of orders delivered by the judge during their tenure. 
    • Judges are expected to remain neutral and make decisions based solely on the facts and the law.
  • Against the Principle of Checks & Balances: The Constitution works on the principle of checks and balances between various organs. 
    • The executive is accountable to the legislature and an independent judiciary keeps a check on both legislatures and executives. 
  • Restrictions on Judiciary: A judge of a Supreme Court after ceasing to hold office cannot appear as a lawyer before any court or authority in India.
    • A judge of a High Court has similar restrictions except for appearance before the Supreme Court or other High Courts.
  • Undermine Judicial Independence: The entry of judges in politics raises questions about judicial independence and the influence of political considerations on the judiciary’s functioning.
    • Judges in Politics However, Judicial independence is significant for maintaining the rule of law.
  • Violation of Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct, 2002: It deals with the judicial values and asks judges to ensure that their conduct both in and out of (the) court maintains and enhances the confidence of the public and the legal profession in the impartiality of the judges.
    • Conflict of Interest: The entry of judges in politics, particularly after making controversial statements and rulings (during serving), raises concerns over conflicts of interest.
    • However, judges are expected to avoid conflicts of interest and maintain their integrity.
  • Issue of Post-Retirement Appointments: Over the years, some retired judges have accepted government posts after retirement that are against the Constitutional value of maintaining a strike balance between the judiciary and the executive.
    • Against the Ethical Conduct of Judges: The entry of judges in politics is against the ethical conduct of judges.
    • However, judges are expected to maintain dignity inside and outside the courtroom to enhance public confidence in the judiciary by exhibiting their independence, impartiality, integrity, decency, and diligence.

Guiding Principles: Judges in Politics and the Restatement of Values of Judicial Life

  • The Supreme Court adopted a charter called the “Restatement of Values of Judicial Life” on 7th May 1997. It is a code of judicial ethics and serves as a guide for an independent and fair judiciary, paving the way for the impartial administration of justice.
  • It comprises 16 points which are classified into the following sub-heads:
    • Impartiality: Justice must not only be done but also be seen to be done. Judges’ behaviour should reaffirm people’s faith in the judiciary’s impartiality.
    • Avoiding Conflicts: Judges should avoid close associations with individual members of the Bar, and refrain from hearing cases involving family members who are lawyers.
    • No Other Office: A judge should not contest the election to any office of a club, society or other association; further he shall not hold such elective office except in a society or association connected with the law.
    • No Favouritism/Tilting: No member of his family who is a member of the Bar, shall be permitted to use the residence in which the judge resides or other facilities for professional work.
      • A judge shall not hear and decide a matter in which a family member, a close relation or a friend is concerned.
    • Aloofness: A judge should practice a degree of aloofness consistent with the dignity of his office.
      • A judge shall not enter into public debate or express his views on political matters or matters that are pending or are likely to arise for judicial determination.
      • A judge is expected to let his judgments speak for themselves and shall not give interviews to the media.
    • Maintain Diligence: A judge shall not accept gifts or hospitality except from his family, close relations and friends.
      • A judge shall not speculate in shares, stocks or the like.
      • A judge should not engage directly or indirectly in trade or business by himself or in association with any other person.
      • A judge should not ask for, accept contributions or otherwise actively associate himself with raising any fund for any purpose.
    • Financial Benefits: Judges should not seek financial benefits unless available and should not speculate in shares or engage in trade or business.
    • Public Gaze: Judges must always be conscious that they are under public scrutiny, and their actions should benefit their high office.

Way Forward

  • A Legal Rule & Action: The time has come for the Indian judiciary and legislative bodies to reconsider and potentially reform the rules governing post-retirement activities of judges and judge-made law on this issue (since Parliament has no incentive to correct it). 
  • Implement a Cooling-Off Period: While the opinion of the Attorney General is based on sound legal principles, prescribing a cooling-off period of say at least two years for joining political parties or being nominated to political posts by the government is desirable to instill confidence in the public at large and negate any allegation of quid pro quo.

Recommendations by the Election Commission:

  • In 2012: The EC recommended that the Union government provide a cooling-off period for top bureaucrats after their retirement before joining political parties and contesting elections. 
    • However, the Government rejected this recommendation based on the opinion of the Attorney General that this may not be in line with constitutional provisions and democratic values. 
  • Views of Attorney General: One of the essential features of a democracy is every citizen’s right to contest elections. The maintenance of independence and neutrality will be relevant during the period a person is in service. 
    • Placing such a restriction against officials contesting polls may not be a valid classification and would not be in harmony with democratic principles in the Constitution.
    • Former Chief Justice R M Lodha recommended a cooling-off period of at least two years between a judge’s retirement and their eligibility for any post-retirement assignment to mitigate potential conflicts of interest and ensure impartiality.
  • Recommendations of Law Commission: The 14th Law Commission Report, 1958 advocated for a system that ensures financial security to the judges without compromising independence.
  • Enhance Judicial Ethics and Standards: There is a need to strengthen the ethical guidelines and standards during their tenure and post-retirement. It can help maintain the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. 
    • Judges should be encouraged to prioritise public trust and confidence in the judiciary over personal interests.Increase Transparency: There should be greater transparency in appointing retired judges to post-retirement positions, such as disclosing the selection criteria, ensuring open competition, and publicising the reasons behind each appointment. Enhance Judicial Education and Training on ethical issues, human rights, and international legal standards. These are essential for maintaining high standards of judicial conduct and competence. 
  • Learn from & Follow the Best Practices: United States: In the US, the Supreme Court justices do not retire but hold their positions for life to prevent conflicts of interest.
    • United Kingdom: In the UK, while there is no law preventing judges from taking post-retirement jobs, no judge has done so, reflecting a different approach to the issue of post-retirement roles.
    • Article 17 of the European Council of Judges (CCJE): It recognises judges’ rights to a fair process and underscores the necessity for judicial actions to satisfy the requirements of judicial ethics and impartiality, national or international.
    • Model Code of Judicial Conduct for Indian Court Judges: It encourages fairness and due process in court proceedings, emphasising the integrity and independence of the judiciary, the avoidance of impropriety and the diligent and impartial performance of judicial duties. 
      • It also advises judges on regulating extrajudicial activities to minimize conflicts with judicial responsibilities and avoid inappropriate political activity.
    • Canons of Judicial Ethics: As discussed in the First M.C. Setalvad Memorial Lecture, it provides a detailed definition of judicial ethics, emphasizing the necessity for judges to exhibit integrity and upright behavior. 


The entry of judges into politics highlights and raises ethical concerns that need to be addressed as soon as possible. There is a need to implement reforms such as a mandatory cooling-off period, enhancing existing judicial conduct codes, strengthening the selection process, ensuring accountability, decentralising power, strengthening civil society, etc.

Read More About: Politicization of Bureaucracy and Its Consequences


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