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Lord Lawrence (1864-1869)


From 1864 to 1869, Lord John Lawrence was India’s Viceroy and Governor General. The great famines in Odisha, Rajputana, and Bundelkhand, the Famine Commissions, the opening of telegraphic links between Europe and India, the passage of the Punjab Tenancy Act, the war with Bhutan, the “Masterly Inactivity” policy, and other significant events during his administration are only a few of the noteworthy highlights. Lawrence and his brother Henry set out for Delhi in 1830, where they served for 19 years as assistant judges, magistrates, and tax collectors. It was at Delhi that Lawrence first became an opponent of the talukdars’ abuse of the peasantry. 

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Significant Events During Lord Lawrence’s Tenure

Policy Towards Afghanistan

During his tenure Lord Lawrence handled Afghanistan and Persia with caution.  

  • Policy of masterly inactivity: “We will leave the Afghans to settle their own quarrels, and we are willing to be on terms of amity and goodwill with the nation and with their rulers de facto,” was Lawrence’s stated position. 
  • Note: The era of masterly inaction is referred to as the policies of Lord Elgin (1862–1863), Lord Lawrence (1864–1899), Lord Mayo (1869–172), and Lord Northbrook (1872–1876). It was in opposition to Lord Lytton’s “Forward Policy”.

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Bhutan War (1864-65)

In 1826, the British established diplomatic ties with Bhutan. The Bhutanis were raiding Bengal and Assam through the highland roads, therefore the British intended to occupy them.

  • The Bhutanese army was defeated at the end of the Duar War or Bhutan War. 
  • By signing the “Treaty of Sinchula” on November 11, 1865, the conflict was over. Bhutan gave up land in the Assam and Bengal Duars.

Orissa Famine 1866

Following a protracted drought and the loss of the rice crop, Orissa experienced famine in 1866. The government imported rice, but it wasn’t available until after millions of people had died from starvation.

  • This revealed the government’s incapacity to address the hunger situation in Orissa and led to a horrifying death toll. Devastating floods came after the hunger. 
  • In two years, hunger and floods killed 40–50 lakh people, mostly as a result of cholera and malaria outbreaks. Rajputana and Bundelkhand were also hit by the same type of famine. 
  • The Famine Commission was established by the government and was led by Henery Kempbell. Infrastructure development was given priority in order for the assistance to arrive on schedule.

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  • He served as a member of the Punjab Board of Administration during the Second Anglo-Sikh War, working for his older brother Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence.
  • He gained popularity with several reforms like the elimination of internal duties, the creation of a uniform currency and postal system, and the development of Punjabi infrastructure. several people even dubbed him “the Saviour of Punjab.” 
  • Although he reached an agreement with Dost Muhammad Khan, the Afghan chief, he pursued a cautious approach and steered clear of disputes with both the Afghans and Persians while viceroy.


Lawrence opposed the appointment of Indians to top public service positions but supported expanding educational opportunities. He wanted British protection in a sepoy army with mixed loyalties and in the weakening of princely troops. Following the passing of Amir Dst Moammad in 1863, he refrained from interfering in the Afghan succession conflict, resisted getting involved in Arabian and Persian Gulf matters, and recognised any chief who gained control. 

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