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Swaraj Party (1 January 1923)

3 min read


Following the withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation Movement and Gandhi’s incarceration (March 1922), nationalist ranks disintegrated, disorganised, and demoralised. A dispute began among Congressmen over what to do during the transition period, sometimes known as the movement’s inactive phase.

Swaraj Party Formation and Timeline

  • On 1 Jan 1923, C.R. Das, Motilal Nehru and others announced the foundation of the Congress-Khilafat Swarajya Party, also known as the Swarajist Party, with C.R. Das as president and Motilal Nehru as one of its secretaries.
  • Aim & objective:
    Achieving Swaraj: The purpose of the section was stated in the 1924 constitution as achieving Swaraj by the people of India via all lawful and peaceful methods.
    Constant Resistance: According to the party’s manifesto, the Swarajists would pursue a policy of uniform, continuous, and constant resistance in the council.

Swaraj Party Election Manifesto

  • British Motive: The guiding motive of the British in governing India lay in the selfish interests of their own country.
  • Continues Exploitation: the so-called reforms were only blind to further the said interests under the guise of granting a responsible government, the real goal being to continue exploitation of the country’s unlimited resources by keeping Indians permanently subservient to Britain
  • Self Government: The Swarajists would present the nationalist demand for self-government in councils
  • Continued Resistance: if this demand were rejected, they would implement a policy of uniform, continuous, and coherent obstruction within councils to make governance through councils impossible; councils would thus be wrecked from within by creating deadlocks on every measure.

Pro-Changers No-Changers

Arguments of Swarajists

  • Motive to join council: The Swarajists have various motives for wanting to join the councils. In a moment of political vacuum, council work would energise the populace and maintain their morale.
  • Work from within: The presence of nationalists would dissuade the government from filling the councils with unwanted characters who might be used to legitimise government actions.
  • Political Warfare: There was no intention of using the councils as vehicles for the progressive change of colonial administration; they may be utilised as an arena for political warfare.

No-Changers’ Arguments:

  • Political Corruption: The No-Changers felt that legislative work would lead to a lack of revolutionary enthusiasm and political corruption.
  • Working together: Everyone would be better prepared for the next phase of civil disobedience if they worked together.

Methods of Swaraj

  • Sabotage Method: The policy of continuous, uniform, and constant obstruction, such as obstructing the passage of government measures, generating deadlocks, and so on.
  • Patriotism in locomotion technique: The method of regularly walking in and out. As a result, the Swarajists were known as peripatetic patriots.
  • Rule and Procedures: The Swaraj Party also established rules and procedures for its legislative council members.

#PW-OnlyIAS Edge

Gaya Session of INC – December 1922

  • President: C R Das. Secretary: Motilal Nehru
  • Fixing the council: Both put proposed the idea of ‘ending or fixing’ the councils. But C Rajagopalachari led the opposition.
  • Resignation: The Swarajists were defeated due to disagreements between the two schools of thought on the issue of council membership. C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru resigned as Congress president and secretary, respectively. 

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